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No voltage between IC Pins

Tim B

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When I turn on my core module and try measuring the pins like described on the Ucapps website:

Check the voltage levels between the most important pins with a multimeter (analog or digital doesn't matter) before plugging the PIC and the 6N138 into the socket:

IC1:MCLR(1) - IC1:Vss(12) = 5V

IC1:Vdd(11) - IC1:Vss(12) = 5V

IC1:Vdd(32) - IC1:Vss(31) = 5V

IC2(8) - IC2:(5) = 5V

it always displays 0 volts. But when measuring between the J1 pin and for example pin 1 of IC1 it does measure 9 volts that my psu is supplying.

Does anyone know what might be the cause of this?


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looks like there´s a short between +5V and GND somewhere...check and doublecheck all solderings... ;)

Thanks Nuke! I checked every pin and removed excessive from some points, and you were right. I checked again for shorts, none turned up and I finally got my 5 volts!

I'm so glad that it's not a broken part I had to track down or something, haha.

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