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MB808 knob set


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Hi all,

There are very encouraging signs from Doug so something is stirring in the south-western US. We may see the new MB808s soon-ish. Also, there's the so a decision needs to be made by me, and others as well, I'm sure. How many knobs in total are needed? Any recommended number of each color? I take it that there are 2 encoders so no indicator line for those. Then we have a number of drum voices, what are peoples preferred solutions for these? How many level knobs are there? Frequency etc?

It would be nice if anyone who built one from batch 1 or 2 would chime in. Someone in the know?

Edit: Took a peek at Altitude's pic in the Sifam thread and came up with 12 level pots, 17 other instrument pots, 2 pots (swing and accent), 2 encoders, 1 master volume and at least 3 suspicious mod pots. Maybe this is way off, if so please correct me!



Edited by jojjelito
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