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Pic 16F887 in place of 16F877


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I can give you the pic18f4685 for free, you have to pay for the shipment from Poland :) .

Thank you for the offer I have no idea what that would cost. And how I could pay you???

My intention is to test the midification of old organ for church using Sonic Cell for the sound.

I wanted to get midi merge with 13 note pedals for start using keyboard(channel 1) in to midi merge with pedals added to midi on channel 3.

I was going to use midi128 16F877 hex file if it is possible with 1 din module.

I am able to get 18F chips for about $8 if the concept is acceptable to organists, only demo at present I have 16F887 chips at hand.



Edited by alllanb
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Migration from an F877 to an F887 is pretty simple. The configuration fuses and the init routine should be all you have to change.

Differences between the two PICs -

F877/F877A - Writing to the ADCON1 SFR changes the analog/digital I/O modes for the ADC and PORT pins

F887 - Has 2 dedicated SFR's for controlling the analog input/digital I/O modes for each ADC/PORT pin (ANSEL and ANSELH). These registers reside in register bank 3 on the PIC

Even though the F887 has an on chip oscillator, it is not stable enough for the MIDI bit rate. With the on chip oscillator, there is anywhere from a 1-3% error per bit, which exceeds the allowable tolerance spec in the MIDI specification (translates to a 10-30% error per byte). From experience, I would periodically get framing errors when sending/receiving MIDI data while using the internal oscillator. For best results, use a crystal oscillator. You will have 0% error with a crystal oscillator.

The minimum xtal speed to use is 4MHz. You can use a 1MHz but you will have to run the UART in high speed BRG mode (TXSTA,BRGH = 1) and you would load SPBRG with the value of 0x01 in this scenario. Here are some BRG values for 31.25Kbps -

If TXSTA,BRGH = 0, then use -

4MHz - SPBRG = 0x01

8MHz - SPBRG = 0x03

12MHz - SPBRG = 0x05

16MHz - SPBRG = 0x07

20MHz - SPBRG = 0x09

If TXSTA,BRGH = 1, then use -

1MHz - SPBRG = 0x01

4MHz - SPBRG = 0x07

8MHz - SPBRG = 0x0F

12MHz - SPBRG = 0x17

16MHz - SPBRG = 0x1F

20MHz - SPBRG = 0x27

Configuration Word - I use this for the F887 -



;**												**

;**				Header Information						**

;**												**



		list		p=16F887, r=dec, w=-302

		include		<P16F887.INC>


;Debug Off (default)

;Low Voltage Programming Off

;Fail Safe Clock Monitor Off

;Internal External Switchover Mode off

;Brown Out Reset off

;Data Code Protect off (default)

;Program Code Protect off (default)

;RE3 is MCLRE (default)

;Power Up Timer on

;Watchdog Timer off

;Standard Xtal Oscillator

;If using xtal from 1-4MHz, replace FOSC_HS in the configuration word with FOSC_XT (standard crystal oscillator)
You don't have to play with _CONFIG2 unless you plan to use brown out reset or you want to write protect the program ROM space from being written to in code. A basic init routine for a 16F887 running a 16MHz xtal, all ports in output mode and all ADC lines set up for digital I/O -



;**												**

;**				Initialization Routine						**

;**												**



		org		0x000			;reset vector

		goto		START

		org		0x004			;interrupt vector

;		goto		ISR			;uncomment this line if you plan to use interrupts

START		clrf		PORTA			;init port latches

		clrf		PORTB

		clrf		PORTC

		clrf		PORTD

		clrf		PORTE

		banksel		ANSEL			;select RAM bank 3

		clrf		ANSEL			;AN0 - AN7 digital I/O mode

		clrf		ANSELH			;AN8 - AN13 digital I/O mode

		banksel		TRISA			;select RAM bank 1

		clrf		TRISA			;PORTA all outputs

		clrf		TRISB			;PORTB all outputs

		movlw		b'11000000'		;RC0-RC5 outputs

		movwf		TRISC			;RC6 UART TX, RC7 UART RX

		clrf		TRISD			;PORTD all outputs

		clrf		TRISE			;PORTE all outputs

;UART init

		movlw		0x07			;bit rate = 31.25Kbps for MIDI

		movwf		SPBRG			;w/16MHz crystal

		movlw		b'00100000'		;asynchronous serial, enable UART tx

		movwf		TXSTA

		banksel		0			;select RAM bank 0

		movlw		b'10010000'		;enable serial port

		movwf		RCREG			;enable continuous rx
If you're coding in Hitech C and assuming you're using Hitech C v9.83 (the header file definitions seem to change from one Hitech C release to the next...not sure why), the same code would look like such (again using 16MHz xtal and all ports set to output) -




**										**

**			Header Information					**

**										**





* Hitech C v9.83 - consult your Hitech C p16f887.h file for the correct config word

* mnemonics if using an older version of Hitech C


#include <htc.h>



* Debug Off (default)

* Low Voltage Programming Off

* Fail Safe Clock Monitor Off

* Internal External Switchover Mode off

* Brown Out Reset off

* Data Code Protect off (default)

* Program Code Protect off (default)

* RE3 is MCLRE (default)

* Power Up Timer on

* Watchdog Timer off

* Standard Xtal Oscillator

* If using xtal from 1-4MHz, replace FOSC_HS in the configuration word with FOSC_XT (standard crystal oscillator)





**										**

**			Interrupt Handler					**

**										**




void interrupt isr(void)


	//place interrupt handler code here (if applicable)





**										**

**			Main Code Block						**

**										**




void main(void)


	PORTA = 0x00;		//init port latches prior to switching to output mode

	PORTB = 0x00;

	PORTC = 0x00;

	PORTD = 0x00;

	PORTE = 0x00;

	ANSEL = 0x00;		//AN0 - AN7 digital I/O mode

	ANSELH = 0x00;		//AN8 - AN13 digital I/O mode

	TRISA = 0x00;		//RA0 - RA5 all outputs

	TRISB = 0x00;		//RB0 - RB7 all outputs

	TRISC = 0b11000000;	//RC0 - RC5 outputs, RC6 UART TX, RC7 UART RX

	TRISD = 0x00;		//RD0 - RD7 all outputs

	TRISE = 0x00;		//RE0 - RE2 all outputs

	//UART initialization

	SPBRG = 0x07;		//31.25Kbps for MIDI w/16MHz xtal

	TXSTA = 0b00100000;	//enable asynchronous mode, enable transmit

	RCSTA = 0b10010000;	//enable serial port, enable continuous rx

	//main code goes here


Other than that, the rest of your 877A code should remain the same. Hope this helps.

Edited by Jon Wilder
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