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Where does the encoder speed thing go ?


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So long as MIOS based MIDIbox16E and MIDIboxNG not available, you either have to write a handler which allows to configure the speed like demonstrated in enc_speed_v1_3 (btw.: a nice application to find the optimal settings), or you have to add the configuration directly behind the USER_Init label.  Example:

      ;; set speed value for all 64 encoders

      clrf      TMP1
      movlw      3                              ; speed divider 3
      movwf      MIOS_PARAMETER2
      movlw      MIOS_ENC_SPEED_FAST      ; fast mode
      movwf      MIOS_PARAMETER1
      movf      TMP1, W                  ; encoder number
      call      MIOS_ENC_SpeedSet
      incf      TMP1, F
      movlw      64-1
      IFNEQ      TMP1, ACCESS, rgoto USER_Init_ENC_Loop

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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