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NRPN - "current instrument"


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Hi everybody,

i have some question about controlling these

"current instrument" parametes via NRPN:

How do i change which is the "current" one in different engines?

According to the manual:

"...the final destination depends on the selection on the control

surface, or on the MIDI channel..."

I tried different midi channels and also

all edit screens, but its allways controlling instrument 1

Thanks for help


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Hi Marxon,

according to the way how you are asking I assume that you noticed that the current instrument selection isn't working in Multi mode?

I looked into the source code - according to the comments I planned to add a special handling for Multi mode, but the code is missing (instead the L/R selection will be taken, but this makes only sense for Lead/Bassline/Drum engine).

Or did you notice something else?

The MIDI channel will only be considered during the SID selection.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi TK,

thanks for your reply!

according to the way how you are asking I assume that you noticed that the current instrument selection isn't working in Multi mode?

Ok i really have not described my problem very well. But i´ve forgotten your comments about multimode, too ;)

I like to control the drum engine instruments.

So i mapped the "current parameters" NRPN 32 - 40 on my midi controller but dont know

how to select different instruments.


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Hallo wiedermals,

gleiches Anliegen anderer Lösungsansatz:

könnte man nicht einfach im Sequenzer (Midirouter) eine spezielle SidDrum Destination erstellen,

die alle empfangenen current Instrument Parameter der Drum Engine (Attack, Decay...)

zum aktiven, im Sequenzner ausgewählten Drum Instrument "umroutet"?

Aber ich vermute, dass ich mir das zu einfach vorstelle...



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The NRPN issue is finally fixed in v2.043


For drums I've currently no solution - it needs some time to work this out so that it works properly for all usecases (not only your own usecase that you mentioned...)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 11 months later...
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I just remember that I have (due your tip with the MidiRex) a unused LPC core.
Maybe i build a small MidiboxNG with:
-1 encoder to select the current instrument
-8 Encoders for the drum parameters
-some buttons to select the drum model

Or even better would be to use the Sid encoders itself.
I imagine something like this


What do you think about it?



Best regards



Maybe it´s better to move this post to the MidiboxNG section.

Edited by Marxon
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Ok, thank you Thorsten!

And what´s about the SID control surface encoders itself?

I can´t find any Sysex or NRPN which "simulate" them.


Englisch kann ich das evtl nicht genau erklären... Was ich meine ist, dass

ich anstatt die NG mit eigenen Encodern auszustatten,

gerne die Sid eigenen 10 Control Surface Encoder (die 4 LFO/Filter Encoder jetzt mal nicht mitgezählt :smile:) nutzen möchte

und die NG quasi einfach davor zuschalten.

Die verschiedenen Funktionen/Parameter der Encoder lassen sich zwar per Sysex/NRPN steuern,

die Encoder selbst (sodass sich ihrer Funktion je nach Menü ändert) aber scheinbar nicht.

Gibt es da eine Lösung? Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe!


Best regards




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And what´s about the SID control surface encoders itself?

I can´t find any Sysex or NRPN which "simulate" them.


This sounds like you are complaining me that encoders can't be "simulated" via SysEx or NRPN... :-/


It shouldn't be so difficult to add a pragmatic solution as long as it doesn't need to be documented, because I guess that you are they only guy who is interested on such a remote control...


Note that feedback won't be possible (too difficult to implement) - means: you won't be able to send the current values to MBNG, e.g. for LCD display or LED ring updates.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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This sounds like you are complaining me that encoders can't be "simulated" via SysEx or NRPN... :-/


No, of course not! That was just an observation.

Which might could have been wrong.

So i stated "i can´t find any Sysex or NRPN..." and not "there is no Sysex or NRPN..."

:angel: :angel: :angel:


It shouldn't be so difficult to add a pragmatic solution as long as it doesn't need to be documented, because I guess that you are they only guy who is interested on such a remote control...


Sorry that I'm the only one . :sweat: 

No documentation needed. I promise!



Note that feedback won't be possible (too difficult to implement) - means: you won't be able to send the current values to MBNG, e.g. for LCD display or LED ring updates.


Good to know but so far I haven't even thought of.


Thanks for your response and have a nice weekend!



Best rgards


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this subject interests me as well.

While i am still buissy building my hardware and am using a cs prototype untill now, the remote options via sysex are an interesting alternative for those who wish to adapt the synth-engine to personal workflow.

I am pretty sure i will stick to the options the SID application provides, but i also see MB_NG as really powerful alternative.

Optical feedback, other LCD options would be phantastic in terms of "bling".

After all the reading i did, i am wondering if it might be straight forward to have the MB_NG handle the CS encoders AND patch management - so that parameter values are available for display.

As, i said, i am happy with the synth, very happy so i´ll just build it. But still, MB_NG seems so powerful this topic sounds very interesting. Sid with LED rings....

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