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trade: stuff for a built MBHP_CORE_STM32


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ok, i'm trying... :)

i have several PIC from old projects which i do not use anymore, and some SIDs.

I also have a built MIDI-thrubox somewhere (1 midi IN, several midi OUT - it's not a midibox) , now replaced by the GM5x5x5. plus a display (not backlit).

I will trade them for a built MBHP_CORE_STM32, so that maybe i will upgrade the sequencer from 3 to 4 with a small effort. Really, i do not time and willingness do build it from scratch! :)

I have to offer:

1 SID 6581 R3 taken from a commodore 128

1 SID 6581

1 PIC 18F4628

2 PIC 16F877

1 PIC 18F452

2 PIC 18F4685

1 display, not backlit, should be 20x2

1 softpot, linear, from spectralsymbol, 50 cm long

(i will not use this things anymore!)

the miditrhubox should work, it is like this project:


(not exacly this).

But it is without power-supply: it was power directly the PC thru the joystick port, but it is not difficult to modify. I have the schematics.

if you may be interested, contact me for the details...

Edited by bosone
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