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Hi *,

MIOS release V1.4 is now available for download, it provides following features:

  • the IIC functions are now open for public, they can be used to access any IIC compatible device via port J4 in parallel to the BankSticks. Example: see the lcd7_iic driver
  • there are two new hooks available which allow to monitor the incoming and outgoing MIDI traffic with zero latency: USER_MIDI_NotifyRx and USER_MIDI_NotifyTx.
  • The motorfader driver now works much better with panasonic faders. New recommented calibration values: Alps: 0x0e@8V, Panasonic: 0x0c@8V
  • automatic debouncing has been added to the SRIO driver which compensates temporal spikes caused by low-cost buttons. See also the detailed description of the MIOS_SRIO_DebounceSet function. Just add this function at the beginning of your application (below USER_Init) if required.
  • a new display type #6 has been added which redirects single characters and strings to the MIDI interface. The used protocol is documented in the http://www.ucapps.de/mios/mios_sysex_implementation.txt
  • a LCD message receiver has been added to the MIDI processor. Incoming characters will be print for 2 seconds on screen. Btw.: the same protocol will be supported by MBHP_TV in the next days
  • it's now possible to write directly into a BankStick via MIDI. This opens the possibility to embed the BankStick content into the application by locating the data to address range 0x400000-0x407fff (24LC256; 32k) resp. 0x400000-0x40ffff (24LC512; 64k). Also the upload to multiple BankSticks is supported with the BankStick select function
  • it's now possible to read directly from internal Flash/EEPROM and external BankStick via MIDI. This is a nice debugging help, but opens also the possibility to create backups and to copy (clone) the content of a BankStick

    New/Updated applications - in principle all applications are upward-compatible, some of them have been enriched by new functions:
    • bs_xfer_v1_4 contains a step-by-step guide how to write, read and edit the BankStick content. Contains also a syx2asm.pl script
    • lcd7_t6963c_h and lcd7_t6963c_v GLCD type #1 has been isolated from the official MIOS release and are now available as seperate modules
    • lcd7_iic example for accessing an IIC device, also an example how to realize a custom display driver
    • midibox_lc_v1_4 now provides software implemented MIDI Rx/Tx LEDs, LED meters and three different touch sensor modes
    • midibox_sid_v1_5c_18f_stepC now also provides software implemented MIDI Rx/Tx LEDs. The Play mode bug in the CFG menu has been fixed, and the MIDI clock is now processed by USER_MIDI_NotifyRx with zero latency

    • Have fun! :)

      Best Regards, Thorsten.
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  • 2 weeks later...

So, how many devices does the IIC bus allow?

I'm having some ideas about using digital potentiometers for analog effects control... Still a bit (!) over my head, but the thoughts are percolating in my mind...

Overall, these advancments seem to open a lot of doors for major expansions upon the MidiBox/MIOS paradigm.

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