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joystic input??

Guest goldenkonkey

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Guest goldenkonkey

Hi i would like to build something similar to a games joypad that that outputs in midi. i have no experience of electronics whatsoever, but the kind men at university have said that if i design what it looks like and and its basic operational components they will aid me to build it.

Basically i would like a couple of sprung joystick devices on my pad, combined with sliders and buttons. this has nothing to do with wanting to make music, so i dont need sound capabilities just the ability to et a midi output from using sliders and joysticks and buttons

the software i want to work with knows how to handle midi inputs i just want to be able to input different directional values

1 can i make a joypad output in midi

2 can i take bits from a joypad and make them out put in midi

3 would a joystick be the best soloution to wanting to move on x and y, considering i would like it to be hand held so massive nobs ets would not really be functional.

4 would a ribbon controller be good for the above?

5 would any of the projects on this site be suitable for this kind of project? the 'MIDIbox64 Motor Extension' thing looks like the type of thing im after, but layed out differently and with the addition of a couple of joysticks

6 where coiuld i buy a joystick type thing. I'd like something of the sort found on a playstation2 pad or N64 that can detect speed as well as direction.

7 any ideas as on how to introduce z as well as xand y

This is a lot i know but im just trying to get my bearings without wandering about aimlessley in all the information thats out there

Hope someone can help!!

Rob ???

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Yeah the midibox could probably do most of what you want to do

1. can i make a joypad output in midi ?

one way would be to use a joystick controller from someone like RS components I think they have one with pots around 10K (very expensive tho). this conected to the Midi-Box would provide you with midi signals

Not sure how you would implement velocity sensitivity?

2. can i take bits from a joypad and make them out put in midi ?

if it was using micro-switches it could be quite simple but Im guessing that you require something more than just digital on/off signals on the axis;

4. would a ribbon controller be good for the above?

Not sure but some peeps on this site 'ave played around with ribbon controllers

I think they way it works is basicly the midi boxes recieve a 0-5V signal usually from a pot or button and convert it in to a midi signal so if you can provide the 0-5v input the midibox should be able to convert it

[glow=red,2,300]However[/glow] I could be wrong so someone please feel free to correct me ;)

peace & out

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