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FS: A number of 5u modular panels (again reduced 1-off sales) EU


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Oakley Cascaded OTA Filter with tick marks and corner radius


As per files on Tony's site but with tick marks

Polymoog with tick marks and corner radius


(Price incl. VAT @ FPD is 87.44 € )

design in fpd format - http://modularsynthesis.com/jhaible/resonator/DJB-Polymoog.fpd

Oakley Noise & Dual Filter graded panel - very small engraving offset to top (im sure you would never notice unless id told you, and even now you might have to ask twice for me to explain!)


As per files on Tony's site but with tick marks

Oakley State Variable Filter with tick marks and corner radius


As per files on Tony's site but with tick marks

5u Oakley VC-LFO no tick marks


As per files on Tony's site.

5u MFOS Rotary sequencer panel


Thomas White's design with minor tweaks to match in better with Oakley visuals.

I only have 1-off each item at this price. Shipping from me is always at cost price only. Im happy to ship interntionally. Payment by bank transfer in GBP or Euro, or by card using Google Checkout (standard surcharges apply - again at cost price only). Packing is free.

Postal prices are here - http://www.royalmail.../airmail/prices

(for tracking options, look under "Airsure")

These are priced low as theyve been hanging about a while, and id like to shift them. If youre thinking of building one of these modules, the prices above should offer you quite a considerable saving!

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