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MIOS Studio feature request

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The idea is to handle multiple instances smoothly.

If a user starts MIOS Studio as they do now, it will be the same as now: it remembers midi in/out devices and path to hex file.

If a user starts MIOS Studio with an argument say "project1" then the following settings are saved somewhere to be loaded next time MIOS is invoked with "project1":

  • screen position and size of window
  • size of all horizontal dividers
  • midi in/out devices
  • path to hex file
  • any other settings to remember?
  • perhaps the argument e.g. "project1" appears in the window title

The idea is the user saves shortcut(s) to various instances for simultaneous or consecutive uses: e.g I am working with a project that makes big use of the terminal on a particular virtual midi port, at the same time as controlling another midibox that uses the virtual keyboard but not much terminal,etc,etc.

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I agree that such customized setups are useful and I've also did some preparations to handle this, just only the store/restore functions have to be implemented.

But concurrent usage of multiple setups is not considered and the implementation would result into a major code rework which I would like to prevent (to avoid an unnecessary high complexity)

Instead, multiple instances of MIOS Studio have to be opened - does this sound acceptable?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Instead, multiple instances of MIOS Studio have to be opened - does this sound acceptable?

Yes, what I've suggested would result in being able to have separate icon's to startup the separate instances (each with their own stored saved properties as I described).

To set up an instance, the user would create an icon/shortcut then edit the command line with an instance name as argument.

I imagine behind the scenes a folder with the settings files for each instance which could be copied/deleted/edited if required.

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  • 4 weeks later...

An even simpler to implement method is to use command line parameters:

mios_studio.exe  -mi "MIOS32" -mo "MIOS32"

in this example -mi denotes midi in port, -mo midi out port etc,etc.

These would be the minimum settings, I've suggested window size and position, divider position, etc, would be handy.

The user provides only those arguments they want, the rest of the properties are set to the current defaults.

In this way the user makes a shortcut icon containing the command line for instances they want.

MIOS studio works very well in multiple instances, this would make working with them a little smoother.

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