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pic burner needed


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Hi Guys!

I have build the Midi Box 64, for the first time.

64 pots, 22 buttons, and 22 led.

My led display shows black squares, nothing else.

In tutorial I have read that is because I haven't Uploaded Mios.

I have uploaded the hex file that is in the folder burner and it's named bootloader_v1_2b_pic18f452.hex.

I know now that I have uploaded the wrong file, I have tried to upload another hex file, but nothing happend.

Mios Studio is telling me: application is up and running

"Midi In window" in Mios Studio is receiving midi messages.

Is there anything i can do without pic burner?

Otherwise, I need pic burner to start from the beginning.

Can anyone help me, I will sent him the pic by mail, so that he can upload the bootloader for me.


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Hi Kike,

welcome to MIDIbox!

I am located in Norway, on the other end of Europe, so instead of sending PICs around I think we should try to remote solve your problem :-).

Which PIC did you upload the bootloader_v1_2b_pic18f452.hex-file to? Was it a different model than an 18F452?

Best, ilmenator

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Hi ilmenator

Thanks for the fast replay,

No, I have pic 18f452. I have uploaded the hex file that is for that PIC.

But there is two hex files that comes fore that Pic.

The readme says that I don't need to upload the bootloader_v1_2b_pic18f452.hex if I have bought

PIC from Mike or Smash that I did.

MIOS Bootstrap Loader for Newbies

Note: please never try to upload the .hex file of Bootloader V1.2 via MIDI, there are cases

which can lead to a permanent failure, so that the PIC needs to be reprogrammed.

I didn't read that in time :)

I think the best for me is to order another PIC from Mike and solve the problem, if the problem is in that.

it is only 10$.

Can you tell me what else can I try, and what come next, I am good in Hardware stuff, but programming is not my best side.

When I upload Mios(Hex file), than comes sysex? Or?

Do I need to configure the Syex file to my own setup (64 pots, 22 buttons, 22 leds) or can I joust upload one of the

sysex that comes on ucapps.de.

I am planing to use It in midi learn function in ableton, so I dont need syex or?


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The readme says that I don't need to upload the bootloader_v1_2b_pic18f452.hex if I have bought

PIC from Mike or Smash that I did.

MIOS Bootstrap Loader for Newbies

Note: please never try to upload the .hex file of Bootloader V1.2 via MIDI, there are cases

which can lead to a permanent failure, so that the PIC needs to be reprogrammed.

Well your PIC is not necessarily bricked, only bad MIDI interfaces have problems with large SysEx strings, see if yours is blacklisted.

Can you tell me what else can I try, and what come next, I am good in Hardware stuff, but programming is not my best side.

When I upload Mios(Hex file), than comes sysex? Or?

After the bootloader you have to upload MIOS, the operating system. After that, you upload the application you want to run on the PIC.

From what I can read, you are still missing the MIOS upload.

Also, it would help if you reported the MIDI messages you see in the MIDI IN window of MIOS Studio. Then we know what state the core module is in!

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I have Focusrite Saffire Pro 24, that souncard is not in the blacklist

The mios studio is receiveing every second this message:

[10429.773] f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7

[10431.666] f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7

[10433.558] f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7

[10435.450] f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7

[10437.342] f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7


Operating System: MIOS8

Board: MBHP_CORE or similar

Core Family: PIC18F

Bootloader is up & running!

Then I upload this:

C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\MIDI BOX\mios_v1_9g\pic18f452\midi\mios_v1_9g_pic18f452.hex

Reading mios_v1_9g_pic18f452.hex

mios_v1_9g_pic18f452.hex contains 12826 bytes (52 blocks).

Range 0x00000000-0x00002fff (12288 bytes) - MIOS8 area

Range 0x00003000-0x000033ff (1024 bytes) - PIC Flash

Range 0x00007c00-0x00007fff (1024 bytes) - PIC Flash

Press start button to begin upload.

Then I press start...

Trying to contact the core...

Upload in progress...

When it comes to 100% :

Upload of 13312 bytes completed after 832.00s (0.02 kb/s)

Then nothing happens, The led still still shows blocks,

What to do next?


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I have Focusrite Saffire Pro 24, that souncard is not in the blacklist


Upload of 13312 bytes completed after 832.00s (0.02 kb/s)

It's not on the blacklist, that's true. Still, looking at the data rate at which it uploads (and judging from the fact that it's a Firewire interface - are you on Windows??) I'd say this is problematic.

However, what is still missing on the PIC is your application. Until now you have only tried to upload MIOS, the operating system (let's assume that this was successful, as you reach the 100%). You can find precompiled MIOS8 applications here, including the MIDIbox64 hex file.

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Ok, i have upload the application, but, nothing happen. again.

Maybe it's the problem with the windows and the firewire.

I am going to borrow another midi interface from my friend, even try to do everything on mac, joust to be sure.

This is going to take few days, because it's summer season over here and everybody is working few jobs.

I will post as soon as i do that,

Again, thanks for the support.


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