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SeqV4L with multi-timbrel synths


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I've just built my SEQV4L and it's amazing to use!

I am a little surprised however, it seems to support only one midi channel (at a time). It seemed to me from Thorsten's demo, that he started off with a synth bass sound and proceeded to add keys with a different sound.

The midi forwarding seems to translate multi channel inputs into the one, selected channel.

Have I missed something?

Is the idea to used keysplits in the driven synth to organize different sounds on the one midi channel?

Would it be difficult to modify the firmware so that events on the input retain their original midi channel in the sequencer?

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Two sequences are running in parallel, and you can change the MIDI channel for both.

See also the description of the MIDI Chn page::

In this page the MIDI channel (1..16) can be selected with the GP buttons.

Please note that each Sequence has it's own MIDI channel.

Use the same channel for two sequences with independent control of the same instrument. E.g. Seq1 stores MIDI notes for a basis pattern, Seq2 additional notes which will be enriched by MIDI effects, or which are only temporary used and later cleared without destroying the basis pattern.

Only a single channel is assigned to a track, it isn't possible to store it into step entries as this would blow up the data format (and isn't prepared anyhow).

Playing multi-timbral synths from a single track also doesn't make much sense, since each step only stores a single length for all notes which are played concurrently.

Only solution is to use the big brother MBSEQ V4 with 16 tracks in parallel, or to use an external MIDI keyrange->channel splitter if not already provided by the Synth itself.

E.g. on MBSID V2 you could assign different keyboard split zones for different instruments which are played on the same channel. This would do the trick.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Yes, its clearer to me now, the 4L is a 2 track, 2 channel looper, which is fine.

I can experiment with multi-timbrel single channel multi's on my virus B/C synths.

I will look at the throughput with a midi logger, but it appears that short SysEx messages I am sending from my keyboard (e.g to change patch of a multi part ) are being filtered out by the SeqV4L.

Does or can the 4L pass through SysEx?

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