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Help with Macros and instructions


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Hello, I am trying to scan the ain for peak voltage before sending midi information and I am having trouble understanding these macros and instructions.Any help is appreciated

andlw.....I don't understand and

xorlw......I don't understand exclusive or

IFNEQ does this mean not equal

IFLEQ does this mean (less than equal) or (less than or equal to)

IFGEQ does this mean (greater than equal) or (greater than or equal to)

I appologize for the newbie questions, but I guess there is only one way to learn, Thanks in advance for any help.

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Hi, not really PIC asm, but the Bitwise logical operations are pretty good explained on this page:



(no idea wat the IFLEQ stuff is, sorry)

oh BTW, in the PIC datasheet; instructions section; if you replace the hex numbers in the examples with binary numbers, it shows more clear :)

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If you are working with the 18F just print out page 217-252 of the datasheet. These are the instructions. Also print out TK's macros.h file. Then do like Driftz says and run the examples from the on paper with binary numbers. Then run some examples going through TK's macros. This should help you learn what they do.


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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks you guys,

            I think I got it figured out, at least partially.

the binary thing helped me on  the (and) and (or) stuff.

And the instruction set for pic showed exactly what the macros were doing,I was just overlooking the compare instructions.

          Thanks again,much appreciation

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