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P112 single board computer kits on Kickstarter


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I don't know how many of you are into classic computers as well as DIY synths. This is the OT forum, so I guess I'll give this a shot.

Sometime in the 1990s someone came up with a nifty single-board computer kit called the P112 that uses a Zilog Z180 to run CP/M and related classic operating systems. Fast forward to 2005. People still wanted P112 kits, so I took preorders and did a run of a little more than a hundred. Fast forward to today and there are still some people who want kits. So I'm taking preorders again, this time with the help of Kickstarter. See http://661.org/p112/ for more details on the P112 is and to find a link to the the Kickstarter project page. The Kickstarter funding ends on November 12, so if you want one of these things, now's the time to put your money down.

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