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[FS or FT] Tested working Core8 & SID module


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2 of my last remaining old leftover Midibox boards. Grabbed them from the drawer to test a 6581 SID I traded for some other fun stuff, and wanted the SID tested before sending it out.

What is included:

- Core8 V2 module. This is old stuff. All mods have been done, including bypass caps, pull up resistor and diode for 4-bit LCD mode. It also has an LCD cable soldered to the LCD header, standard pinout for 4-bit operation. PIC18F4685 with MIOS and SID application flashed (latest version at time of writing). Optocoupler stuffed as well. Some wires are soldered to the pins where you normally would connect a DIN module. I will leave them, or remove them if that is the wish of the buyer.

- SID V2 module. As old as the Core. Has 6,8nF styroflex filter caps installed which were the suggested value once; now different values are suggested but these are easy to replace, if you want I'll include two 470pF ceramics for the 6581 for free; I have some low tolerance 22nF mylars for a 8580 setup as well but those are not free. The board has bypass caps mod for the shift registers (which are stuffed as well), the wire for the clock from the core, and +5v from the core. Also the wires for the data communication between the Core and SID board are soldered. The board DOES NOT INCLUDE A SID.

Both boards do NOT have on board regulators and such stuffed (in fact they were stuffed once but removed later), you are supposed to power them from a regulated PSU. For example the C64 brick with optimizations or a Switching PSU that delivers the right voltages. If you plan to use 8580 or 6582 +9v is needed, for 6581 +12v is needed, and for both boards +5v is needed as well. In theory it is possible to run this off a single supply and stuff regulators on the boards, this will require some work from the buyer though. I can look in my parts bin what spare parts I have for the PSU regulation.

If you stuff a SID and supply proper power, this set of boards will work out of the box; connect MIDI plugs and an audio plug and you are set to make sound (but you would want to add an enclosure as well I guess). This could also be a starting point for a Midibox with Control Surface.

Price range for the board set as listed: €30 without LCD.

I have some additional spare parts (2x16LCD red on black, 4x20 LCD white on blue, pushbuttons, encoders, bankstick ICs, LTC board for flashy MIDI lights, unfinished DOUTX4 board, blue LEDs, to name a few) to add features to this build. If you are interested just let me know and we'll work something out.

I'm interested in both selling or trading. If you're up for a trade, let me know your proposal.

Cheers, Alex.

Edited by NorthernLightX
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