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Look my design!!!


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Hi everybody! Hi Thorsten... my god!!!

     This is my design for midibox. I want to control Reason and Samplitude software. It has 32 pots for EQ, Send, Filter, etc; 32 Push-buttons with 32 Leds (Digikeys components) for Solo and Mute; 16 faders for track's volume; 5 Push-button with light (like games machines) for transport (PLAY, REC, Etc...) and a sensor based in Sharp GP2D12. Of course, it has LCD. My questions are...

     1.- How many buttons need I to control the LCD? Manual says 3 to move and one to snap but I don't think sure!


     2.- I want to add a 7 segment led display for MTC or SMPTE (eight modules 00:00:00:00)? Have I to change the firmware (Midibox64 2.0v)? Have I to programmer a new MIOS aplication? In that case, How are they connected to DOUT module?

     3.- Did I forget anything else? If you think I must add more buttons or more pots, please, let me know your comments!

NOTES: I've got the pcb's of SmashTV: 1 core module (ready for MIOS!), 2 DIN, 2 DOUT and 2 AIN modules.

Thank you for your answer! Thank you for this DIY project, Thorsten!!!!  Sorry for my poor english, I'm spanish!

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Hi Wancho,

a nice design :)

1) yes, you need 4 buttons for the menu navigation. Maybe I will rename the buttons sooner or later to make the function more clear, in the common MIDIbox applications they are used as "Left", "Right", "Exit" (formerly called Exec) and "Exec" (formerly called Snapshot) Button.

3) beside of the menu navigation buttons, I would add at least 8 additional buttons without LEDs. Most programs are providing a bunch of useful MIDI remote functions which make live easier, for example the possibility to switch to different screen views, to open a tool, to save a song, etc... also the MIDIbox offers so called "special functions" which can be assigned to those buttons, e.g. to change directly to a special submenu, to increment/decrement the bank....

If you want to try the MB64seq application, at least 4 additional buttons are required anyhow.

2) This can simply be done by merging the led_digits_mtc application with the MB64 application (copy leddigits.inc and mtc.inc into the mb64 directory, include them from the main.asm and follow the instructions which are given in the file headers). The led_digits_mtc application comes also with a schematic, the shift registers used for the digits are freely assignable.

3 DOUT registers are allocated by the MTC digits handler, and this is exactly the number of registers which are currently not used in your setup. So - you don't need to buy an additional module :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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