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Acquiring 2 6851 R4 chips Need help with parts


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Hi All.  I've been wanting to build a midibox SID  and I finally am getting the first part which are 2 6851 R4 chips.  From what I understand this should be ok to use.  I am new to this and will have someone helping me with it.  It's actually my girlfriend's father, so I figured this would be a great way for him to show off his electronic skills and for us to bond, haha.  Anyway, I understand this will take me a while and I am ready to be patient with the process.  I am just now in the stages of figuring out all the parts I need to acquire.  I definitely want to build something that gives me as much live control as possible as I am a performing musician and want this for my live rig.  If anyone can point me to a comprehensive parts list, I would really appreciate it.  I've been using the search engines like crazy, but I seem to get a lot of the same pages and they aren't quite as comprehensive as my noob self probably needs.  I've heard that the people on this forum can be very helpful.  

One thing I am also having a hard time figuring out is how I should go about getting a front panel made (though I know I am a far way from that stage).  I have the front panel designer, but where do you go to get these cut?  Or is someone selling them already cut like the ones on Thomas' site?  Thanks all any help you can provide.  I know I am a complete beginner at this and have only soldered to fix things like pedal switches that have broken on stomp boxes, so I am totally jumping into new exciting ground but I don't want to annoy any of the seasoned electronic pros with my questions.  In the end it will be about making music but I am excited to make something from my own hands and then perform on it.  I hope I can make this happen.  I guess the most important thing first is making sure I know all the parts I will need before I even get to any case or front panel problems.  Cheers!

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