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Special button - snapshot power on


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I have not programming skill so is about a week that i try to solve this thing.

I want a special button for my midibox.

This button have the same function of "snapshot at poweron" but manually triggered .

So when i push this button the box will send all current pot settings ( actual values ​​marked by the position of the potentiometer not the one stored in bank) whithout store it in bank.

In other words get the current physical position of all pots, and then transmit them to output midi port.

I try to write a meta event to do this


movf MIDI_EVNT1, W

goto MB64_PATCH_SendCurrent

but there is somethig wrong in this.

I search on forums and i found a similar tread with a solution()

unsigned char i;

unsigned char MyArray[num_ains];

for (i = 0 ; i <= num_ains ; i++) {

MyArray[(i)] = MIOS_AIN_Pin7bitGet(i);


but this is a pseudocode and i don't have skill to translate it in a real solution.

I think there is a simple solution with meta handler and existing functions but i don't see it.

please can someone help me.


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        call MB64_PATCH_SendCurrent

what's wrong with this function?


Or do you want to send the current patch?


        call MB64_PATCH_Send

The code is located in mb64_patch.inc (for your inspiration)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I try your solution but it does not work.


i modify mb64_meta.inc


 movf    MIDI_EVNT1, W
  call MB64_PATCH_SendCurrent


and compile a new hex file.


This is  the part of .ini file where the meta event is assigned to button



    # Additional 4 Buttons in the menu section
    19  =  F0 00 7f @Onoff


these are other options active




When i turn on midibox i can see on display "Loading Setup from bankstick" then "Sending Snapshot" .

After this the midibox turn-off alone, restart , again on display  "Loading Setup from bankstick"   and "Sending Snapshot" , then the box crash .

the display text remains "Sending Snapshot".


I try with

goto MB64_PATCH_SendCurrent

with same result.


It like there is a loop that sends the machine in crash.

i don't know

When i delete

movf    MIDI_EVNT1, W
  call MB64_PATCH_SendCurrent

the midibox return ok.

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Alright, now it's clear (you should have mentioned this earlier): since the MB64_PATCH functions also send the meta event, you will get an infinite loop.


I remember that I had the same problem with the snapshot SFB, and I remember that I solved this by implementing a request flag mechanism in main.inc to ensure, that the patch is only sent once.


So, new approach:





if you want to request the MB64_PATCH_SendCurrent call


or write



if you want to request the MB64_PATCH_Send call


The USER_Tick function in main.inc will check this flag, call the appr. function if it's 1, and clear the flag thereafter.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Sorry but after a few attempts i discovered a problem.

i use your solution and i assign to a button the meta handler.






but now with

[AUTO_SNAPSHOT]   enabled

when i change bank with button 17-18-19 midibox don't recall the values stored in bankstick but everytime

make a snapshot of current pot position.


if i use

[AUTO_SNAPSHOT]   disabled  midibox recall the values stored in bankstick but don't sent it to midi out port.


This is  the part of .ini file where the meta event is assigned to button


    17  =  FF 04 00 @OnOnly
    18  =  FF 04 01 @OnOnly
    19  =  FF 04 03 @OnOnly
    20  =  F0 00 7F @OnOnly

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I've to ask you some questions to ensure that I understood you correctly:


Which option do you want to use?

[AUTO_SNAPSHOT]  enabled?

And you want that values are stored in BankStick, and that they are sent to the MIDI OUT?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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i think it's better for me to use

[AUTO_SNAPSHOT]  enabled

because when in bank1 i push button

18  =  FF 04 01 @OnOnly (or FF 02 01 if i don't want to save the value in bank1)

i want to jump to bank 2 and restore value stored in bank2 and sent it to midi out.


maybe the problem is the flag that i set in meta-handler for my special button





maybe USER_Tick function in main.inc don't clear the flag



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Yes, you are right.


I'm surprised by myself that nobody noticed this yet!

I can work on the MB64_PATCH_SendCurrent routine, so that the value is stored in the snapshot as well.

But this needs some time...


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not yet... as mentioned above, it will need some time.

I've to open my MB64 case, replace the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 module by a MBHP_CORE, have to find out what I did years ago and then try out changes (which are error prone...) in order to help you on this topic.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

currently too many people are giving me requests...

Is this enhancement really so important? It seems that you are the only guy who is interested on this, or are there others (maybe even with programming skills) who could help out?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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