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Make an encoder less sensitive?


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This question relates to encoders that control a parameter that has a low range:



Such as the filter type in a synth, this example has 6 positions.


The problem seems to be that the encoder is capable of 128 steps and that in this situation only the first 6 steps are used.


The result is that when the encoder is used as a selector like this, it is overly sensitive to touch IMO.


Would it be possible for the encoder to output a state such as ((Position*RangeSteps)/127), or similar?


Perhaps this would be a little insensitive for on/off type parameters (you'd have to do up to a half turn to change states) so the arithmetic may need a little adjustment to cater well for all cases.

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i know this is not the best way, but you could control the filter type

with some conditional events which are depending on different encoder value ranges.

For example:

if_less_stop_on_match=Encoder:x:10 -> filter type 1

if_less_stop_on_match=Encoder:x:20 -> filter type 2


Best regards


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enc_speed_mode (especially Slow:<divider>) is intended to solve your request.

It enables a pre-divider, so that no special calculations are required.


Yes, a map would work as well, but the usage is more cumbersome.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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