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Bank Selection Query


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Hi all!

I've been planning a Midi Controller for quite some time now and with the release of the NG platform I figured it would be a better time than any. However, before I start piecing components together I was hoping to get some things cleared up before I get on my way.


I have looked over the documentation regarding 'Banks' and do have a fair idea of its implementation however there is some functionality I would like to confirm. So far, I understand that hardware elements will have 'hw_id''s which then can be banked to X amount of 'id' elements if there are X amount of Bank buttons to switch between.


I was wondering if it is at all possible to have seperate 'Bank Zones' (sorry for a lack of a better title) which have their own independent Bank Select buttons and have no effect on any of the other Bank Zones.




Take a control surface that has the following control elements:


- 8 Encoders (A)

- 8 Momentary Buttons (A)

- 4 Bank Select  Buttons (A)



- 16 Momentary Buttons (B)

- 4 Bank Select Buttons (B)


Is the following functionality possible?:


- 'Bank Select (A)' buttons will switch the [8 Encoders] & [8 Mom Buttons] between 4 banks

- 'Bank Select (B)' buttons will switch the [16 Mom Buttons] between 4 banks

- Switching between banks in either Zone A/B will not affect the state/bank of the other zones.



Excited to get things under way. Any help appreciated!






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Hi Andrew,


independent bank zones could be created with conditional events, see also this example: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fcontrollers%2Fmidibox_ng_v1%2Fcfg%2Ftests%2Fconev_3.ngc


An alternative approach would be the usage of a .NGR script: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual_ngr.html

I'm planning to add an "enable_event" and "disable_event" command which allows to control the state of EVENTs like the bank feature is doing, but with the possibility to maintain each EVENT separately.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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