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EVENT_ENC not triggered


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I've added 2 encoders to an additional "control" panel.

The shift register is #2 in the DIN chain.

There are 4x Fairlightiii PCBs (ENC with n=1..64, sr=5 .. 20 ) they all work perfectly.

So I've added:

ENC n=65 sr=2 pins=0:1 type=detented2 
ENC n=66 sr=2 pins=6:7 type=detented2
EVENT_ENC id= 65 hw_id= 65  fwd_to_lcd=1 chn= 11 type=CC cc=1 range=0:127  ports=1000100000001000 label="^en1"
EVENT_ENC id= 66 hw_id= 66  fwd_to_lcd=1 chn= 11 type=CC cc=2 range=0:127  ports=1000100000001000 label="^en2"


This is produced when loading:

[MBNG_FILE_C:1337] ERROR invalid encoder number for ENC ... n=66' (1..64)


If I comment out the line ENC n=66 I don't get the ERROR message, but the remaining encoder don't seem to work.

It seems like something is amiss.....


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MBNG currently only supports 64 encoders + 1 for the SCS (I could increase the number meanwhile if this was your question)


It's a bug that no error message is generated for n=65

It's no bug that an error message will be generated for n=66 and above



Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I've changed:

#define MIOS32_ENC_NUM_MAX 72

from the original value of 65. Btw: No error message at 65 makes sense in light of this.

All good now.

I'm using a detented encoder which are different from the undetented ones I put on the Fairlightiii PCBs.

I'm having trouble getting a really good response from them.  ENC type=detented2 seems to be the best, though it still jumps a bit. I'm using enc_speed_mode=Slow:4 which also helps, but is there any other debounce setting I can try?

I'd like to use these knobs for patch and bank selectors, with a "detent" per unit of change if that is possible.









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Ok, it's set to 129 by default now.


No, there is unfortunately no debouncing for encoders.

It could be, that they are bouncing a bit more than normally due to the increased SRIO scan rate.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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(Btw: thanks for increasing the maximum encoders, it's been working well at this end since I increased this myself.)


I've noticed this same problem with my SEQV4 which has the same encoder type just for the data wheel.

I've had them lying around since at least 2005. They have an integrated switch.

I don't remember seeing this problem with the earlier (2010) MIOS32 firmware experiments of my own (STM32).

I can just replace the encoders, and move on from this if there's no easy fix in the firmware. (I'm using 1 in my SEQV4 and only 2 in my NG)  

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