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Adding a SCS to a big NG


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I'd now like to ad an SCS (Standard Control Surface) to my big Midibox NG.

SCS offers control over things I really want:

  • change ngc files for alternative functionality
  • change global channel and device easily
  • etc

It looks straight forward, however I'm unsure of how it will work with my display setup.

Main question being: I'd like to connect a 40x2LCD to which enable line?

Also: I've set up the boot loader  for 24 of 2x16 LCDs how should this be changed?


Below is the circuitry developed to work with the particular displays I bought on Ebay.

If anyone is thinking of building a box with this many displays perhaps write to this (or another thread) as there were issues most of which are addressed by the schematic (but not all). 

My displays are all working perfectly.



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Main question being: I'd like to connect a 40x2LCD to which enable line?

The SCS doesn't support 40x2 LCDs, but only 20x2 LCDs

This is mainly limited by the number of available pins at J10, but also by a missing mechanism to configure the SCS layout

In addition, as you already noticed, a different LCD size clashes with the LCDs connected to the other E lines.



Also: I've set up the boot loader  for 24 of 2x16 LCDs how should this be changed?


The SCS LCD has to be connected to E1, there is (currently) no way to change the LCD number for the SCS


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Ok, if I put a 20x2LCD on E1 and shuffle the rest of the E along 1 position, are the LCDs 2..25 addressed by @(2:1:1) to @(25:1:1) now? 

And If I change my bootloader config to 25 of 20x2, that should do the trick right? (I understand where fields traverse LCDs there would be "holes", but this is easily avoided)

I realise now, on such a project an SCS should have been allowed for. 

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Ok, if I put a 20x2LCD on E1 and shuffle the rest of the E along 1 position, 

Actually I'll probably exchange LCD#24 from a 16x20 to a 20x2, then simply swap E1 and E24

I can then just adjust the m4 lookup definitions to cater for the address change.


My previous question still stands,  does insertion of an SCS affect the addressing of LCDs?

Will configuring the bootloader for 24 of 20x2 be o.k?

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My previous question still stands,  does insertion of an SCS affect the addressing of LCDs?


No, because the SCS is always enabled, and it will overlay the output of the first LCD when you are pressing the EXIT button.




Will configuring the bootloader for 24 of 20x2 be o.k?


If your configuration doesn't rely on the automated LCD line extension over multiple devices (combined LCD view), then it's ok


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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