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Triggering RunSection execution


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This works:

EVENT_BUTTON id=1  fwd_id=LED:40 button_mode=OnOff type=Meta  meta=RunSection:15


but any other kind of method to launch a RunSection I've tried has not succeeded.

In particular I'd like to launch a RunSection following an encoder change:

EVENT_ENC id= 66 hw_id= 66 fwd_id=BUTTON:1 fwd_to_lcd=1 chn=1 type=ProgramChange range=0:127 label="^prgch"


I've tried to forward to other types of EVENT_ that have meta=RunSection but nothing works except the pressing the button that has meta=RunSection.


What is a working method to forward from an encoder change to trigger a RunSection execution?

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#this works
EVENT_BUTTON id=1  fwd_id=LED:40 button_mode=OnOff type=Meta  meta=RunSection:15

#this don't
###Dump request
EVENT_BUTTON id=500 type=Meta  meta=RunSection:15 button_mode=OnOff
####Progchange -> Dump request
EVENT_ENC id= 66 hw_id= 66 fwd_id=BUTTON:500 fwd_to_lcd=1 chn=1 type=ProgramChange range=0:127  ports=1000100000001000 enc_speed_mode=Slow:4 label="^prgch"


Here's the NGR

if ^section == 15

    LCD "@(1:1:1)about to..."  
	LOG "about to..."
    delay_ms 1000
	LCD "@(1:1:1)    dump       "  
	LOG "dump"
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With "fwd=BUTTON:500" you will forward a the value to the button, but this won't trigger a MIDI event.

This is intended - e.g. let's assume the case, that you forward a value from a button to a LED - in this case you definitely don't want that the LED sends a second MIDI event.


The usage of EVENT_SENDER should help here.

Try this:



###Dump request
EVENT_SENDER id=500 type=Meta meta=RunSection:15
####Progchange -> Dump request
EVENT_ENC id= 66 hw_id= 66 fwd_id=SENDER:500 fwd_to_lcd=1 chn=1 type=ProgramChange range=0:127 ports=1000100000001000 enc_speed_mode=Slow:4 label="^prgch"


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Now, to a closely related matter:

For a bank change, I need to follow the bank change CC with the current ProgramChange+Dump request.


###Bank Select -> Progchange -> Dump request
EVENT_ENC id= 65 hw_id= 65 fwd_id=ENC:66  fwd_to_lcd=1 chn= 1 type=CC cc=0 range=0:7  ports=1000100000001000 enc_speed_mode=Slow:4 label="^banksel"  


this updates the program change LCD with the bank change value. Additionally, it does not result in the sending of ProgramChange, just bank CC.


[edit] it does trigger the RunSection associated with ENC:66 though [/edit]


I would just like to trigger transmission of the existing program change value.

How to do this?

Edited by Duggle
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this updates the program change LCD with the bank change value.


of course, because fwd_id will forward the received value to the next event

(e.g. forwarding a button value to a LED)




I would just like to trigger transmission of the existing program change value.


E.g. you could use the "trigger" command in your .NGR script to trigger the transmission of ENC:65 and ENC:66


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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