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SEQV4 almost there - but not completely..

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Hello all,


My SEQV4 is nearly finished but not running completely smoothly yet. Any clues would be appreciated.


The build: an LCP17 core with SD card and, DIO MATRIX and one DIN module, no IIC midi out.  The CS is a matrix ' wilbastyle' , based on the schematic in the forum.  Buttons and leds are matrixed and on the DIO matrix, so is the datawheel and the encoder button lines. GP encoders are on the DIN. The hwcfg file is adapted accordingly. The software is 4.075, i tried the prebuilt and a self-compiled with #define MIOS32_IIC_MIDI_NUM 0.


The CS was tested thoroughly:  With all buttons 'disabled'  in the hwcfg file, the report properly:

[84782.181] [SEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:21, Pin:3 not mapped, it has been pressed.
[84782.309] [SEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:21, Pin:3 not mapped, it has been depressed.

I tested leds with the  multimeter: neg on the dout cathode lines, pos on the out anode lines makes all  of them light up properly. So i concluded the hardware is fine.


Now the problem with my SEQV4 is that it hangs in certain menu pages. It lights all GP leds, looses buttons control and only moves the cursor when I turn an encoder. Only resetting will help. Some GP buttons also behave strangely in edit mode: They only switch notes on, but not off any more.  Others properly toggle notes on and off, others don't react at all in edit mode.   This also hangs up the SEQ. But when I go to the mixer (or some other) page, all buttons and leds behave normally. I can also more safely with the GxTy buttons from G1T1 via G1T2 to G1T3 and back again, the same for G3T1 - G3T2 - G3T3. But when I go to T4, G2 or G4, it hangs.  But when i move through the tracks e.g. in fx mode (with the data wheel), the GxTy led are well behaved again, same in the utility page when moving enc 1 to select group/track.


The behavior puzzles me. is it a software issue and if so, why only here?   Or is it an unseen hardware issue which eludes the "Button SR/ Pin not mapped" test and the multimeter LED test? 


I'd love to hear you debugging suggestions and get this baby running properly!


Edited by EsotericLabs
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Update: setting BLM8X8_DOUT_GP_MAPPING  0 in the MBSEQ_HW file resolves the problematic behavior of the buttons. Mysteriously....


But it switches  the GP leds down completely. Also mysteriously...


I might throw in a DOUT for the GP leds to get this baby to work.   But why does not it ....??

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