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CV for meters


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Hi Everyone,


I am curious if using the MBNP_CORE_LPC17 and MBNG_AOUT_NG together and programmed properly with this meter (http://www.jlmaudio.com/shop/index.php?_a=viewProd&productId=100) would allow me to have 32 meters functional for my DAW controller? There are CV inputs for this meter, but it seems to be aimed towards 'gain reduction' as a function.


Otherwise, how would you normally hook up this meter to a DAW controller?


Such a noob over here, getting my bearings on what can actually be done. Thanks!

Edited by ibanman555
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Somehow this doesn't make much sense. This meter is intended for audio signals, not for MIDI.

I also don't see a way how you could access the audio channels of your DAW with such a meter.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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