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Naming Mixer Maps


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I attempted to name the "unnamed" Mixer Map #1 to "MultiOne" by removing the sdcard, putting it in a PC card  reader and editing the session MBSEQ_M.V4 file.

The name changed o.k, but the ports changed from all "Def" to USB1 and USB4 and all the channel assignments to 1. The page 3 (Prg Ch) fields all contained the values that should have been the midi channels.

The Page 4 Volume settings had the values of the Prg Ch. etc,etc.

So I corrupted the mixer maps file.

Is the correct way to edit these files documented anywhere?

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MBSEQ_M.V4 is a binary file, it could only be edited with a binary editor, otherwise you will corrupt the datastructure (as you noticed).


There is no documentation about how to edit such binary structures (and it would be error prone anyhow)

I added your request to make Mixer Map names editable in the wishlist.

Since you are the first one who requested this, the priority is low (it will be some work to create the UI extension)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks TK!


I just powered up the SEQ and (without changing the firmware) all the settings in my corrupted MBSEQ_M.V4 were restored including the names going back to "unnamed".


I'm glad this happened but somewhat mystified.


Does the sequencer restore a backup in the case of corruption? I'm convinced it is the same session file.

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The naming feature works nicely! Anything that clarifies, and helps one be organised, is good! 

(low priority: the cursor position is visible but a bit unclear, would an inverse cursor be possible?

The auto advance of the cursor is good but the flashing asterisk is very faint on my LCDs )

Anyhow, thanks TK!

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The cursor caused problems with certain LCDs in the past, therefore I haven't considered it in the software anymore.

It would also be too cumbersome to make it only optional, because supporting two different display options is really a nightmare for testing UI enhancements! :-(


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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