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Build MBNG into Wurlitzer 206A


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Good day.


I just bought 7 Wurlitzer 206A Electric Pianos for $100.00, with the intention of stripping one and building a MBNG + midi keyboard into it. After trying the keys of one and finding it buttery smooth, would I be able to use the existing keys with the MBNG in some way?



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The short answer is no, in so far as the Wurlitzer EP is an actual acoustic instrument that's electrically amplified; the keys are connected to levers that hit metal bars, and then there's pickups over the bars to create the sound. The MBNG requires that each key have at least one electrical switch that is connected or disconnected when the key is pressed, like on fully-electronic keyboards. Unless you want to add some sort of switches to all the keys, which is possible but not very feasible.


On the other hand, you only paid $100 TOTAL for all seven? Do they work? Do you want to sell one?

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