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printing display messages

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  • 2 weeks later...

An example is in the request queue, but it could take some weeks until I will find the time (programming effort: 5 minutes, documentation effort: at least 1 hour).

When you go through the existing MIOS applications, you will find a lot of advanced examples (see MB64), but no application gives an explicit step by step instruction for the integration, mostly the routines are spreaded over different files.

So, if you can't wait: try to understand the purpose of USER_DIN_NotifyToggle, search in the other examples how messages are print out, and then you will possibly be able to work it out by yourself.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

P.S.: another tip: see midibox_tc:

        ;; calculate pointer to the bank label (defined in tc_labels.inc):
        ;; TC_BANK_LABELS + 16 * TC_BANK
        TABLE_ADDR TC_BANK_LABELS               ; this macro sets the base address
        movf    TC_BANK, W                      ; get bank number
        mullw   16                              ; * 16 -> result in PROD[LH]
        movf    PRODL, W                        ; add offset (bank*16) to TABLPTR
        addwf   TBLPTRL, F                      ; low-byte
        movf    PRODH, W
        addwfc  TBLPTRH, F                      ; high-byte (+carry bit on overrun)

        ;; print string by using the MIOS_LCD_PrintPreconfString function
        movlw   16              ; 16 characters
        call    MIOS_LCD_PrintPreconfString

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