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SEQ4 - saving & selecting presets


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Hai Folks,


Got a question 'bout storing and calling up presets on the brand new midiboxSEQ4 (already in love!) - a good friend of mine build for me...


When I press Menu + event & after that step button 15 (PRESETS), I get this screen below:




1) Can someone explain me how I can select a different preset in the left screen? Now I only can select the preset 'JOMOXW.V4T' I created, although there are more presets I should be able to select (I created more than one)...


2) My second question is how I select the next/second/different 'presetscreen'. This one below:




When I press step button 15 (PRESETS), I normally get the first screen I posted, but sometimes (almost kind of random) I get this second screen. How do I switch between those two? Now I sometimes, almost by accident, come into this 'save as new preset screen'..


My 3th question is why I can select pages (in the left screen) when I want to store a preset, but when I want to import one, I can't scroll between my created presets.


Besides this, I'm must say, after spending two days with this machine, this is heaven. Makin'  beats with that awesome euclidean rhythm generator and creating pattern chords in seconds is so unbelievable fun, easy & dope. Thorsten, you did such an amazing job by developing this beast, this IS by far the FATtest sequencer I have ever touched. I feel blessed that someone wanted to spent all that time to build this crazy machine for me .. hope someone can help me with solving these questions above..

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thanks for the nice feedback! :smile:


The first picture shows the page which is displayed once a preset has been selected. It allows you to specify, which parts of the preset should be imported. Confirm this with the IMPORT button, and the preset will be loaded.


The second picture should be the actual entry page, it should be displayed once you press the PRESETS button in the track event page.


I'm not able to reproduce this (I would need step by step instructions once you found out, under which circumstances this happens).

But: I believe that you can cancel the import when you press the EXIT button, and then enter the PRESETS page again.



My 3th question is why I can select pages (in the left screen) when I want to store a preset, but when I want to import one, I can't scroll between my created presets.


The scroll list at the left side (which should be active once you enter the PRESETS page... under normal circumstances) is the one that you use to select a preset which should be loaded.

Once you push a button below of a preset file, you will be asked for the import options. Then press the IMPORT button to confirm the selection -> done


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thnx for your help & clearing up how I do select presets Thorsten (by scrolling & pressing the buttons under the selected preset & afterwards press IMPORT), that works totally ok ... The other situation, the randomness in gettin' into this select preset screen (second picture in my post above) still is a mystery. Here a step by step description, to give more information:



First attempt

1)   Power up with USB, I get the Edit Screen

2)   Pressing Menu + event

3)   Pressing button 15 (midi) to enter presets

4)   I get the first screen

5)   Pressing Exit

6)   Pressing Presets again

7)   I get the second screen

8)   Pressing Exit (button 16) and after that Presets (button 15) again

9)   I get the second screen again

10) Pressing Exit & Presets again

11) Next 8 times I get the first screen again


Second attempt

1)   Power up with USB, I get the Edit Screen

2)   Pressing Menu + event

3)   Pressing button 15 (midi) to enter presets

4)   I get the first screen

5)   Pressing Exit

6)   Pressing Presets again

7)   I get the first screen again, also for the next 15 times

8)   After the 16th time I press exit & import I get the second screen


Third attempt

1)   Power up with USB, I get the Edit Screen

2)   Pressing Menu + event

3)   Pressing button 15 (midi) to enter presets

4)   I get the first screen

5)   Pressing Exit

6)   Pressing Presets again

7)   I get the first screen again, also for the next 7 times

8)   After the 8th time I press exit & presets I get the second screen


As you can see from above, it’s like random button pressing to find a chance to select presets in the left screen … do you know what could cause this randomness? Is there something I do wrong?

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I checked this at my side, but can't reproduce this.

Also software-wise the handling of the dialog pages looks clear - we always start with the default dialog whenever the page is entered.


The firmware selects the IMPORT dialog if one of the left GP buttons (GP1..GP8), or the SELECT button is pressed.


Therefore my question: could it be, that one of these buttons are (unintentionally) triggered?


You can check this the following way:


1) I guess that you enter the PRESET page by pressing the GP14 button - does it also happen when you press the GP15 button instead?


2) enter the EDIT page. Press GP14 button (and maybe also GP15 button). Do you see changes at the positions above GP1..8 button, or do you notice that the SELECT function is activated?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hey Thorsten,


Thnx for your help (once again) & clearing things up. So, I found out that when I do press GP14, everything works fine and in the way you described it. I can recall and import them now without problems :) Things do still get strange when I use GP15. I think it has to with your remark that button 15 is (unintentionally) triggered .. because .. when I work in edit modus to - for example - write a pattern, also strange things (for me) happen when I use GP15. I want to show that with the two pictures underneath. 


Picture 1 is where I start to make a pattern



Picture 2, is what happens when I push GP15. As you can see, my entire pattern is changing, the value of my notes even the positions of them. I do get a complete different pattern when I push GP 15:



Do you know what I can do to make GP15 work normal again. I also noticed that GP15 is not working as it should, when I try to save a preset. Instead of 'Hoi', it's saving my preset as 'How' and instead of 'Shruthi' it's saving 'Shruthw'. Seems the same kind of problem caus' of triggering, not?


Here I song I recorded, with help from your great Berlin School tutorial. As you might can hear, I'm havin' big fun & feel I finally can manage to compose music I wanted to make for a long time ...




Best regards,


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Hi Willern,


very nice song! I'm always happy when people create something new out of these tutorials! :)


To the GP15 button: ok, this explains a lot.

In order to analyse this a bit further, it makes sense to output all button functions which are triggered by GP15


You can do this with following MBSEQ_HW.V4 file:



  • first update your MIDIbox to the latest release V4.079 (because the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file is not compatible with older releases)
  • upload the modified MBSEQ_HW.V4 file with the Filebrowser
  • thereafter enter "reset" in MIOS Terminal -> your MIDIbox will be rebooted
  • push each button and check the terminal output. Each button should only generate a single message when pressed or depressed


E.g. GP15 should result into following messages:

[221644.599] [SEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:24, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been pressed.
[221645.495] [SEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:24, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been depressed.

if more messages are print, then please copy&paste them into this posting. Then I can determine which additional functions are triggered, and tell you which parts of the PCB require visual inspection.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Thorsten,


I made it to the last step, but don't get any info on my MIOS Terminal button when I press GP's. When I press start or step I get code 'fa' and 'fc' in the Midi in screen (left above), when I press keys on the virtual keyboard I get note info in the Midi out screen, '[1253386.245] 93 46 6d   Chn# 4  Note On  A#3  Vel:109]


Only info I get in the terminal output is this info over I put reset (reboot works fine):



[1253198.761] reset
[1253200.849] Init DHCP
[1253200.948] [network_device_init] PHY initialized
[1253203.981] Loading session 13112W
[1253204.082] Init DHCP
Is there something I do wrong?
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Could you please check if the modified MBSEQ_HW.V4 file really has been uploaded?


You could edit it in the MIOS Filebrowser.

Scroll to the button definitions.

Then you should see, that all BUTTON_ entries are commented out with '#':

##            SR  Pin
#BUTTON_UP    M4   3
#BUTTON_LEFT   0   0
##                SR  Pin

Can you confirm this?


If not -> upload the right file


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Sorry, didn't uploaded that file the right way ... here's what I get when pressing GP 15 (different than the rest & a lot longer..):



[1255878.154] [sEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:25, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been pressed.
[1255878.160] [sEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:31, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been pressed.
[1255878.166] [sEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:29, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been pressed.
[1255878.172] [sEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:27, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been pressed.
[1255878.179] [sEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:26, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been pressed.
[1255878.185] [sEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:24, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been pressed.
[1255878.191] [sEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:30, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been pressed.
[1255878.197] [sEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:28, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been pressed.
[1255878.284] [sEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:27, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been depressed.
[1255878.290] [sEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:25, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been depressed.
[1255878.296] [sEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:31, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been depressed.
[1255878.302] [sEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:29, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been depressed.
[1255878.309] [sEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:28, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been depressed.
[1255878.315] [sEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:26, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been depressed.
[1255878.321] [sEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:24, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been depressed.
[1255878.327] [sEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:30, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been depressed.


Best regards,
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Ok, it seems that all button functions which are assigned to pin 0 are triggered at once:

#            SR  Pin
BUTTON_GP1   M5   0
BUTTON_GP3   M6   0
BUTTON_GP5   M7   0
BUTTON_GP7   M8   0
BUTTON_GP9   M4   0
BUTTON_GP11  M3   0
BUTTON_GP13  M2   0
BUTTON_GP15  M1   0


It seems that a solder joint of one of the 74HC595s is faulty.

Unfortunately I don't have a schematic of the frontpanel available right now, otherwise I could tell you the exact unit.

However, just open the case and check all pins of the 74HC595s (or follow the trace of the GP15 button to a 74HC595, and check exactly this pin)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hey Thorsten, thnx for your analysis. So, some soldering to do over here ..


Unfortunately, since I turned on my midibox since last time, my midibox is even weirder. Don't know if it has to do with the OS update or using the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file (which I now removed), but now it seems like (almost) every button is giving a different response/menu than it should. Some examples:



Track/Group 2 --> Midibox edit screen (left LCD), SESSIONS OPEN, SAVE evt (right LCD)


GP1 --> no response

GP2 --> no response

GP4 --> EDIT screen changes to UTILITY FUNCTIONS (left), QUICK MENU CHANGE (right)








Totally confused about this. Sorry for questioning again, but do you know what could cause this?


Best regards,


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Hi Willem,


this is normal if Wilba's frontpanel is used, and no MBSEQ_HW.V4 file exists in the root directory of the SD Card.

You've to upload the hwcfg/wilba/MBSEQ_HW.V4 file which is located in the midibox_seq_v4 release package.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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