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Possible bug on MB64v2??


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Hi all,

I was at a friend the weekend and had my MB64v2 to jam with Reason2. Our setup was [his velocity-sensitive keyborad's out]-[MB64 in] [MB64 out]-[PC-Midi In] with midi-merger enabled and the Keyboard sending to channel 16.

The problem was that (at least on reason2, i couldn't install midiox cos we needed that stupid windows-installer!) the keyboard sent note-on commands correctly but instead of note-off it sent again note-on, letting notes ring!

The MB64 sent correctly note-on-off events.

After resetting the keyboard to transmit on channel 1, the problem was solved!

Could this be a fault of the midi-merger?

I didn't have the time to reproduce the problem...



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Hi uclaros,

if this happens again, could you please create a snapshot of the system state by sending

F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0D 02 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 F7

to your MIDIbox - thereafter MIOS will send the whole SRAM content, it can be recorded with the SysEx tool of MIDI-Ox (see also http://www.ucapps.de/mios/mios_backup.txt). Store it under the name "sram.syx"

Thereafter create a backup of the flash/EEPROM and BankStick (if available) and send me the 4 files, so that I can reconstruate the scenario.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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