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Posted (edited)

Having a issue getting my SD Card to function normally.


I am Running MIDIbox NG V1.029 with latest available bootloader for LPC17 Core.


Before formatting the SDCard using 'sdcard_format' because MIOS Studio said the flash had the wrong formatting, using 'msd on' allowed me to access / copy data from the SD Card as if it was in a normal card reader without any corruption, but formatting the card with 'sdcard_format', and then trying to load the empty SDCard again, it attempts to generate the default files to the SD Card and shows appended sdcard output below.


I am Using a '4GB Patriot LX Class 10'  SDCard on breakout adapter and have checked to make sure the correct signal pins are connected to the correct pins on J16 on a LPC17 Core kit from SmashTV, am I doing something wrong?  Any pointer in the right direction would be awesome!




------------------------------------------ SDCard OUTPUT---------------------------
[6476.165] sdcard
[6476.422] SD Card Informations
[6476.422] ====================
[6476.422] --------------------
[6476.422] CID:
[6476.423] - ManufacturerID:
[6476.423] - OEM AppliID:
[6476.423] - ProdName: SD04G
[6476.423] - ProdRev: 48
[6476.423] - ProdSN: 0xb0012265
[6476.424] - Reserved1: 217
[6476.424] - ManufactDate: 183
[6476.424] - msd_CRC: 0x10
[6476.424] - Reserved2: 1
[6476.425] --------------------
[6476.425] --------------------
[6476.425] - CSDStruct: 1
[6476.425] - SysSpecVersion: 0
[6476.425] - Reserved1: 0
[6476.426] - TAAC: 14
[6476.426] - NSAC: 0
[6476.426] - MaxBusClkFrec: 50
[6476.426] - CardComdClasses: 1461
[6476.426] - RdBlockLen: 9
[6476.427] - PartBlockRead: 0
[6476.427] - WrBlockMisalign: 0
[6476.427] - RdBlockMisalign: 0
[6476.427] - DSRImpl: 0
[6476.427] - Reserved2: 0
[6476.428] - DeviceSize: 7591
[6476.428] - MaxRdCurrentVDDMin: 0
[6476.429] - MaxRdCurrentVDDMax: 0
[6476.429] - MaxWrCurrentVDDMin: 0
[6476.429] - MaxWrCurrentVDDMax: 0
[6476.429] - DeviceSizeMul: 240
[6476.430] - EraseGrSize: 31
[6476.430] - EraseGrMul: 28
[6476.430] - WrProtectGrSize: 0
[6476.430] - WrProtectGrEnable: 0
[6476.430] - ManDeflECC: 0
[6476.431] - WrSpeedFact: 2
[6476.431] - MaxWrBlockLen: 9
[6476.431] - WriteBlockPaPartial: 0
[6476.431] - Reserved3: 0
[6476.432] - ContentProtectAppli: 0
[6476.432] - FileFormatGrouop: 0
[6476.432] - CopyFlag: 0
[6476.432] - PermWrProtect: 0
[6476.432] - TempWrProtect: 0
[6476.432] - FileFormat: 0
[6476.432] - ECC: 0
[6476.432] - msd_CRC: 0x16
[6476.432] - Reserved4: 1
[6476.433] --------------------
[6476.433] Reading Root Directory
[6476.433] ======================
[6476.434] Retrieving SD Card informations - please wait!
[6476.434] SD Card: '': 3711 of 3711 MB free
[6476.436] [r...ld.] 10/01/84  06:23:42 PM   <DIR> 753571756 <UbWyF%.1U
[6476.436] [r.s.l..] 00/13/32  09:29:00 AM     968686932 d1oel|6C..=
[6476.437] [rh..ld.] 12/26/58  09:09:54 AM   <DIR> 3974720686 "kE&:q    .Hu
[6476.437] [.hs.ld.] 03/01/16  07:48:62 AM   <DIR> 4157422789 0$o|.FBO
[6476.438] [.hs.ld.] 02/03/67  09:33:12 AM   <DIR> 4162411084 "Znp)Tq.!7
[6476.438] [rh..l..] 14/23/-9  05:18:58 AM     4125130921 !Ra1$y.L5
[6476.439] [.....d.] 05/15/63  03:12:32 PM   <DIR> 2080912518 g    gV1.:1I
[6476.439] [rh..ld.] 01/19/-9  09:01:28 PM   <DIR> 575652786 3&T"O.B
[6476.440] [r...ld.] 00/27/-1  09:09:34 PM   <DIR> 3982175994 &Y>QH)].#{z
[6476.441] [rh..ld.] 00/19/34  19:41:62 PM   <DIR> 4123247430 C/NI2}~    .m"?
[6476.442] [r...ld.] 11/06/32  00:50:30 AM   <DIR> 1228869781 #wx).yI
[6476.442] [r...l..] 12/11/91  10:11:50 PM     564131727 
[6476.443] [r...l.a] 03/16/30  16:04:04 PM     2190815959 3x,.zTf
[6476.443] [..s.l.a] 14/14/83  08:42:48 AM     4272602553 T3Jw.\}-
[6476.444] [r.s.l.a] 08/12/63  03:13:18 PM     48728003 {\WFar.KL
[6476.444] [rh..l..] 03/20/50  08:23:00 AM     3051983800 cWUjjy.Q)N
[6476.445] [rhs.l.a] 01/22/88  19:51:50 PM     2174540474 f{0[2qB\.w3
[6476.447] [..s.ld.] 01/01/33  12:38:52 PM   <DIR> 2115173558 AzD5{.Uk
[6476.447] [..s.ld.] 06/07/89  16:59:42 PM   <DIR> 1160627611
[6476.448] [r...ld.] 11/20/103  04:29:46 AM   <DIR> 2289208753 .|ggd[:.X"
[6476.448] [.hs.ld.] 13/07/60  05:59:46 PM   <DIR> 3678931109 s4^    N.aBj
[6476.449] [.hs.lda] 08/00/-2  04:13:60 PM   <DIR> 4162280993 &A\oc."O
[6476.449] [..s.ld.] 05/18/-12  14:22:42 PM   <DIR> 576674026 '#mwe\~.;*X
[6476.450] [.....da] 07/01/-17  13:10:28 PM   <DIR> 3010040007 >>[!30M.N
[6476.450] [rh..l.a] 01/21/36  15:34:44 PM     1408117281 Bn_AHaM
[6476.451] [r.s.l..] 03/06/46  03:49:08 AM     963223027 (u<{&.bf
[6476.451] [......a] 00/00/-20  00:00:00 AM     42512 DEFAULT.NGC
[6476.452] [rhs.ld.] 11/31/32  19:32:48 PM   <DIR> 3914364582 MPo9iQj.sD
[6476.452] [......a] 04/13/26  17:33:02 PM     1846586365 BKVM+i~m.ND)
[6476.455] [..s.l.a] 15/06/69  12:48:06 PM     3779769467 .?F5    .z9
[6476.455] [r.s.l.a] 11/23/83  13:21:42 PM     1221094851 ?](2R.K%)
[6476.456] [......a] 00/00/-20  00:00:00 AM     518 DEFAULT.NGL
[6476.456] [.h..l..] 00/30/-15  19:22:02 PM     3597903676 Z\RwC.%p
[6476.457] [r...ld.] 01/15/87  14:08:04 PM   <DIR> 211754017 3phpuz4P.n-H
[6476.457] [.h..ld.] 04/04/06  02:17:24 PM   <DIR> 1658248676 $){S5w.q%_
[6476.458] [rh..lda] 00/00/-20  00:00:00 AM   <DIR> 0 Q~ryQd7.zd

[6476.458] [......a] 00/00/-20  00:00:00 AM     222 DEFAULT.BIN
[6476.459] [......a] 00/00/-20  00:00:00 AM     520 DEFAULT.NGS
[6476.459] done.



Edited by Tom_Stone

The built in 'sdcard_format' wasn't formatting the SDCard properly for some reason. (on WIN7 x64 Pro, GM5 Driver, as well as the default windows device driver didn't work.)


Solution was:

Formatting using the windows format tool, and selecting formatting as FAT format over the MidiBox MSD interface, this worked properly and now configs are properly stored to the SD Card.


Hope this helps someone with the same issue.

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