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how are you connecting your modules?

Guest 123

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I am trying to get the parts together for an order(mouser),and I was going to order connectors(such as part # 538-50-57-9002) to use with ribbon cables to connect to the sil headers(so if I want,I can completely unplug the modules from each other).The problem is,these connectors(with insert pins sold seperately),end up costing around $12 total(to connect core & sid).This seems a bit expensive,and I am just wondering if it is worth it.

So,what are you  using to connect? Is there maybe a better/cheaper parts(mouser)?Do most of you just solder the ribbon cables directly to the sil header pins?

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I used SIL plugs and sockets on my MB64 and the cost was considerable.

I did some work on my box since I built it but I dont think Ive ever had to disconnect modules.

A cheaper (and quicker, I think) way is to mount single 1mm PCB pins (cheap in bulk) to the pcb. Then get your ribbon, strip, tin and solder to the pins.  The result can be very neat, and it's quick and can undone and redone just as easily.


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Guest ordneren

If using the method described above, you could also use crimpflex (or whatever the english word is) to isolate the wires and pins afterwards for the perfect result. Just remember to put the crimpflex on the cable before soldering :)

(Crimpflex = plastic tubes that shrink when heat is applied, if I used the right word anyway :)

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I´m using following technique in the meantime:

Veeeery cheap!

Just use the holes in the PCB to put them next to each other (you can also solder the grounding together so it has more stability) using some "Kabelbinder" (English???). First, you have less screws to put those PCBs to your case, second you have minimal cableways.

Then just use normal cables to connect those jumpers directly.

Advantage: Cheapest way, I think. Minimal space requirement, no danger of bad connections. Best grounding connection, if soldered together.

Disadvantage: Only do that, if you KNOW what you are doing.  Desoldering ten times can be a horror!

Also a possibility: Use "Pfostensteckverbinder" (ARGH! English again???) to interconnect the PCBs. Theyre relatively cheap. They just have two rows of pins, so its sometimes a bit tricky to put them the right way on both PCBs.

btw: There should come a little HowTo on the portal the next time on how to save money. There is written some stuff about this topic, too. I already sent it to Poeleq, but I dont know when its on...

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Thanks for your comments.

pay_c: could you describe a bit more what "kabelbinder"and "Pfostensteckverbinder"is?

Do you mean to connect the pcb's themselves together somehow?When you say "normal cables"do you mean ribbon cables? Also,what do you mean by "portal",and where can I find the writings on this topic you spoke of?

I think maybe I will skip using the female sil connectors and just solder the connections.                    

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"Kabelbinder": That thing which is used to put a huge amount of cables together. Plastic string where you put the one end into the other, zip it up and thats it.... dammmmn, I really dont know any english word...

"Pfostensteckverbinder" are those things also used in PCs. Those plastic ending SIL-connectors (e.g. at IDE cable endings).

Yeah, putting the PCBs together and that way make something like one big PCB.

I just meant cables, any cables. Ribbon or not, just any type of cable.

That with the soldering the conns directly is the way I tried to describe (sry for that english...).

Portal? You did not find anyting?? Try followring: www.midibox.org

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"Kabelbinder": That thing which is used to put a huge amount of cables together. Plastic string where you put the one end into the other, zip it up and thats it.... dammmmn, I really dont know any english word...

english word: cable tie, or zip tie. (truly a great invention, yes?)

as for the other things i don't know myself what we call them here.i have always refered to them as"those connectors that fit sil headers" (or dil's if you are using that type)

they're thats all the free english lesson for today!


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