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Hi all,

I`m currently very interested in the Clockbox( MIDI Master Clock Project)

I fond it in the "MIDIbox User Projects" in the Wiki and thats exactly what I need..(a small box delivering MIDIclock to my hardware without having a PC around...)

Unfortunately there is only the link to the connection diagram active. The other links (discussion and firmware) are broken

Any chance to get at least the firmwarefile which matches the described circuit in "clockbox_multi.pdf" ?


thanks& best regards



Thanks Yogi,

yes that helps...

The "clockbox enhanced.zip" from the download section seems to be the one which matches the "clockbox_multi.pdf " wiring diagram....

The other mod`s inside the thread are also very interesting. Let`s see if I`ll be able to get this running..


Thanks & best regards



Glad it helped, there are some bad links in the wiki ( think the forum was changed a few years ago, so old links are dead).


Let us know how you make out, I'm planing a clock build in the near term.


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