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New sammichSID user - needs advice


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mMy name is Przemek,  I'm from Poland.
Few days ago I got sammichSID from my friend.
I like it very much, but have some problems and would like to to ask You for help.
1. All patches do not respond to the modulation wheel. Is it OK? It seems to me that, at least for some type of lead tone should give vibrato ? 
Just uploaded some patches, where modulation is working :) 
2. When I'm changing patch using button or encoder, sometimes it moves more than one value - only when I change it down. I think this is not 'normal' behavior, but dont know how to trace problem ?
I was looking on control board and and did not find any cold solder points etc. Could You please some advice, where too look ?
Software version is 2.034.
Edited by unicorn74
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the encoder behaviour has been improved in an unreleased MIOS8 and MBSID version.
Please join the beta test! :-)
An update is very easy: install MIOS Studio (if not done yet): http://www.ucapps.de/mios_studio.html
Connect MIDI IN/OUT of your MB6582 to your computer, open MIOS Studio, select the MIDI interface, try the bidirectional communication with the "Query" button.
If working, first upload the new MIOS V1.9h version, thereafter the new MIDIBox SID application.
Both are linked in this posting: 
Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Thorsten,
I have updated newest MIOS and Sammich application, and it is still the same or maybe even a little worse. 
The problem of skipping values relates not only to encoder, but also to the key marked 'arrow down'. 
I have a simple multimeter and there is connection between the button -> resistor ladder (RN3) -> 74HC165 (IC2).
I dont know whot else may be wrong. I think the button is mechanicaly OK, becouse there is also problem with encoder.
Tomorow I will try to swap 74HC165, but I dont know what else I could check ?
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Hi Przemek,


hm... at least I can say that this isn't related to the software, especially because all inputs are debounced.

Maybe buttons and encoders are damaged, e.g. because the guy who soldered the components overheated them.


E.g. I had a similar problem with a button which is also used in the sammich devices and had to replace it.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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