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help with midibox 64


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Hi Everyone


I have build Midibox 64 a few years back, I am using it constantly, there are no problems with it.


But, some of my push button are configured to play a key (example: button 33 plays C3)


So, for example, when I connect midi box to a midi in on a soundcard, and the midi out of the soundcard to a synth, midi box is playing notes on the sinth.


I don't want that to happen.


So my question is this, can I program midi box to add a different control to that buttons and if I can, how.


I am not a programmer, when I have build a midibox, I've just taken a precompiled hex file and imported it with mios. 


I don't know how that works, but it does.


Btw, I am using it with ableton, and ableton do not support SysEx









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Hi Kike,


are you using your MIDIbox together with a LCD and the 4 menu navigation buttons? Then you could just assign different MIDI events, e.g. via MIDI learn.


Or are you working under Windows? Then you could configure the MIDIbox remotely with the MIDIbox64 Editor: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox64.html


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I have tryed to configure my midibox with the midibox editor but it did'nt worked.

I have changed the button type to controller, send sysex to midibox but nothing happend. Everyrhing is the same. I have stored the sysex file to disk and try to upload it with mios studio and again nothing.

Mios studio is receiveing midi from the midibox, everything seems to be in order.

What now?

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I have build PIC18F


Query detects midibox


It says:


Operating System: MIOS8
Board: MBHP_CORE or similar
Core Family: PIC18F
Application is up & running!
when i send sysex it sends it, it goes to 100%
But nothing change.
When I pres "learn pot" in midibox editor, and when i move pots on midibox, pots move on virtual midibox, and I see changes 
in pot properties.
When i press "learn button" in midibox editor, and when I press a button, virtual midibox don't show that I pressed 
the button but I see the changes in button properties. 
When i send sysex file to midibox, should i see any change on the lcd.
I don't have banksticks. 
I am going to try once more, if nothing, I am going to keep it like it is
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i have try more things


I have downloaded sysex box and try to request sysex dump


MIOS program memory - It receives sysex dump, bytes 22496, blocks 19

MidiBox 64 bank - it don't receives sysex dump

MidiBox 64 Patch - It don't receives sysex dump

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Well, it seems that the SysEx communication is working. It's normal that no dumps are received for a bank (because no BankStick is connected) or patches (because your MIDIbox isn't configured for patch mode).


If the MIDIbox editor doesn't work at your side, unfortunately I can't change this, because this is a quite old software which I haven't implemented by myself.


There is an alternative possibility: you could generate a .syx file with the mk_syx.pl script which is part of the installation package (-> see mk_syx/README.txt)

It requires a perl installation on your PC, available here: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Downloads/ActivePerl/index/


The .syx file can then be uploaded with MIOS Studio, you've already proven that this communication is working, so that I'm sure that this will lead to a successful re-configuration which is just a little bit less comfortable than the GUI :)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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