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Recording live on other note layers besides A


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using live recording, I recorded bass and snare drum on a Note track layer A, and then chose layer E (i.e. the next available note layer) to record open & closed hihat. However, the hihat notes were recorded on layer A as well.


Is it possible to choose some other layer than A for live recording? It didn't make any difference whether recording mode was set to Poly or Mono on the REC page.

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Nice :-)


Depending on how easy or difficult it is to implement (and perhaps other considerations I don't notice), offhand I'd suggest that either:


1) Live recording in Mono mode records on the Note layer that was last selected (or is active); Poly mode starts always from layer A and continues to the Note Layers "below" it (i.e. to Note layers E, F, G etc.)


2) Recording in Mono mode as above, and in Poly mode recording starts from the Layer that was last selected (or is active), e.g. Note Layer E, and continues to those "below" it.


In case Note Layers below the active layer (say, Note Layer F) run out because of too many simultaneous notes, I don't know if in that case it's better to "go around" and record on the Note Layers "above" the active layer, or just leave the "extra" notes unrecorded.


I'm talking only of Note layers, because this far I haven't experimented with other kinds of layers, and can't really say what's good from that perspective. Maybe more experienced users have other ideas.

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