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Kit Pricing


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I'm not sure I understand your question, but I will assume that you are new and would like some basic info. If i'm wrong, no ill will intended. :)

  The MIDIO 128 application needs to be configured for your own needs and there isn't really a 'kit'. The app allows up to 4 DINx4 and 4 DOUTx4 boards for 128 ins and 128 outs max, as well as analog ins and outs. The configuration process is integrated into MidiBox Studio so it is very easy to define the actions you want for each input or output.

  For the LPC core you will need a  'carrier' PCB (you will have to source the Arm LPC and the few parts used on the carrier PCB, Mouser Electronics is one source ) and DINx4 ( 32 inputs each) and DOUTx4 (32 outputs each)  boards and parts kit if needed; based on your IO needs. All of which are available through SmashTV's shop. So you would need to buy a number of boards and parts kits to build a full MIDIO 128 but the amount would be up to you.  

  Of course if you are very DIY, you could build all on perf boards, but for the price, a PCB is well worth the time savings.

I would recommend reviewing the MIDIO 128 wiki page and  assessing your needs

Good luck and have fun


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Hi Jim.


To check on prices of boards at Smash TV go to http://mbhp.avishowtech.com/buy.html


Information about Midio128 V3 can be found at http://ucapps.de/


You will have to buy the LPCXPRESSO board from Mouser.  You will also need an SD-Card to store your configuration information on.  It would be nice if it could be stored in memory like the old V2 hardware but that has not been implemented on the Verstion 3 hardware.


Pete (Tempe AZ)


Edit-Just noticed that Smash TV isn't supplying the parts kit for the LPC17 any more, just the raw boards.  Was much nicer before this change.  Seems like other kits have also been removed.

Edited by kpete
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Thanks for the feedback on my questions.  These components are being considered for midyfying another three manual VTPO.  My interests are diminished in knowing that there are no complete kits available, yet all who have used these components speak very highly of their capabilities.  Thanks again.


Jim Pitts

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