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Warning [215] when compiling


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When compiling the mbhp_iic_midi_v1_0c firmware I get a warning for this line in the code :list p=16f88


Warning[215] Processor superseded by command line.


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\System32>cd c:\midibox\mbhp_iic_midi_v1_0c_hack

c:\midibox\mbhp_iic_midi_v1_0c_hack>SET PATH=C:\MSYS\1.0\bin;C:\Program Files (x
86)\gputils\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\SDCC\bin;%PATH%

rm -rf _output/*
rm -rf _output
rm -rf *.cod *.map *.lst
rm -rf *.hex
mkdir -p _output
gpasm -c -p p16f88 -I./src  -DDEBUG_MODE=0  src/main.asm -o _output/main.o
src/main.asm:13:Warning[215] Processor superseded by command line.
gpasm -c -p p16f88 -I./src  -DDEBUG_MODE=0  src/flash.asm -o _output/flash.o
src/flash.asm:13:Warning[215] Processor superseded by command line.
gpasm -c -p p16f88 -I./src  -DDEBUG_MODE=0  src/midi.asm -o _output/midi.o
src/midi.asm:13:Warning[215] Processor superseded by command line.
gpasm -c -p p16f88 -I./src  -DDEBUG_MODE=0  src/prot.asm -o _output/prot.o
src/prot.asm:13:Warning[215] Processor superseded by command line.
gpasm -c -p p16f88 -I./src  -DDEBUG_MODE=0  src/iic.asm -o _output/iic.o
src/iic.asm:19:Warning[215] Processor superseded by command line.
gpasm -c -p p16f88 -I./src  -DDEBUG_MODE=0  src/iic_cmd.asm -o _output/iic_cmd.o

src/iic_cmd.asm:26:Warning[215] Processor superseded by command line.
gplink -s project.lkr -m -o project.hex _output/main.o _output/flash.o _output/m
idi.o _output/prot.o _output/iic.o _output/iic_cmd.o


I use the MSYS / gputils / SDCC chain


It still compiles a .hex


Does the warnings matter? ( I have searched the forum and web, but can't find an answer)


Any suggestions to what could be wrong


Best regards


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