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Question technique sur les midibox


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Je voudrais faire un module qui permette à la fois de faire un traitement de signal analogique ou j'ai en entrée le signal d'un microphone conditionné avec un systeme silent qui prendrait les signaux de l'appui des touches de l'instrument en Midi.


Je voudrais que le module puisse faire office de séquenceur.


J'aimerais avoir une sortie casque et ligne qui soit unique.


Je sais pas quel module Midibox utiliser en amont ou avant d'une autre carte.


J'avais posté en anglais :


Hi !


My idea is to start from an acoustic instrument and implementing a double system of midi and microphone with a microcontroller to implemet a sequencer and filters working both for midi and samples recorder by the microphone, whatever is the instrument. My idea is to treat by the acoustical sequencer a soundsystesis of a midi controller and treat it as acoustical sound.


For a more practical discussion I could choose the accordion.


The specification to this instrument is to produce sound in acoustics and he as to be possible to be implemented by sensors to be mIdIfied.


In fact, The electronic system I would like to make, as two parts:


1- A first one which is to implement midi on a such instrument, with a seqencer: For this I wonder if you could advice me which kind of MidiBox project could be more convinient for me to start with. The instrument is generally 60 differents notes to midify.


2- I would like also to implement a microphone on the system: I would like to implement in electronic a sequencer so which you deals with midi or samples that the musician records directly from the instrument. I would plan to implement also filter, octaver, and so other option.


Can you advice me a clue that I could starts to read and study the background of a MidiProject ?


Waiting for you answers, I would like to thanks all of you which make the discussion possible about a such subject !


Best regards !



Merci pour ta réponse.

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