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strange event blackout after start up


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I am seeing a strange effect every time I switch on my computer and with it my STM32 midi controller.


After windows has booted up and I start using the midi controller I can squeeze out exactly 16 midi messages (8 note on followed by an off). Afterwards the midi messages seize to arrive for another 48 midi messages (24 note on + off). Afterwards the midi controller is working without fault. This is happening every time the midibox starts up at the same time as the computer/before the computer is fully booted up.


If I don't start the midibox together with windows but plug it in once windows is already booted up I don't get this behaviour and the midibox works immediately without flaw.


Another interesting thing is that if I start up MIOS Studio before I have fired 64 midi events, MIOS Studio does not recognise/fails to properly communicate with the midi controller. If I start up MIOS Studio after I have triggered the right number of events it connects fine.


Is that some kind of weird windows driver problem? Has anyone else seen a similar behaviour? It's not a big problem as I know that it is going to come back to life but it is odd.


Another strange thing and this one is extremly rare (has happened twice to me over the last 3 months): On these occasions the midibox has inverted all note on/off events. All keyboard scanning was working properly except that it send note off events on a press and note on on a de-press. Same went for buttons which were not on a scan matrix. A power cycle of the midibox solves that problem. Again, not a big issue but odd.

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the first problem sounds similar (but not exactly) like the observed behaviour if a core with multiple USB ports is used under Windows.


It would be interesting:

- which windows version you are using

- how does it behave if the "single_usb" option is enabled in the bootloader? -> see http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_bootstrap_newbies.html (you need to upload the bootloader update app to change the flag)

- if you are using an older Windows version, such as WinXP, it might help to install the GM5 driver



Another strange thing and this one is extremly rare (has happened twice to me over the last 3 months): On these occasions the midibox has inverted all note on/off events. All keyboard scanning was working properly except that it send note off events on a press and note on on a de-press. Same went for buttons which were not on a scan matrix. A power cycle of the midibox solves that problem. Again, not a big issue but odd.


Strange indeed!

I need more input under which circumstances this could happen, resp. if it can be reproduced.

Has anybody else observed a similar issue in the past?


Btw.: which MBNG version are you using?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Thorsten,


thanks for the reply. I will update the firmware this weekend and give it a try with the single usb option. I use my midibox (NG 1.033pre5) under Win7 64Bit.


If I remember correctly the GM5 driver wasn't working with the STM32 yet, otherwise I would give that a go as well.


The signal inversion problem did happen again this week, this time after I had used my midibox and then rebooted the computer (which didn't power cycle the midibox). I noticed then when I opened MIOS studio that when I pressed a button for the first time a hex message displayed rather than the note on. On release the note on message displayed. I will check if it is repeatable and also check if it goes away with the single usb option ... sounds like it might be related after all.


BR Mathis

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Hi Thorsten,


I have changed the single_port flag and the start up issues have vanished (also upgraded to 1.33pre6 though the change log doesn't indicate any changes of interest to me). Thank you very much .. I wasn't aware that that would be connected. As for the inverted signals, I wasn't able to replicate it. I hope that it was a freak interaction of the failing driver and the midibox in which case the single_usb flag might get rid of that as well. If it happens again I will try to gather some more intel and post here again. Fingers crossed and it is sorted as well :)


Thank you very much again!


BR Mathis

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Hi Thorsten,


A quick question. If the signal inversion occurs again (which I still find highly likely to be a windows driver problem). What would you like me to do to gather data which might be useful to get to the bottom of this?


Are there still plans to get the GM5 driver compatible with the stm32f4?


BR Mathis

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