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Tiny feature request for MIOS Studio

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The command line switches feature added some time ago have been an awesome improvement to MIOS Studio.


I'd like to request an additional switch:

It's about the pop up message box that appears every time Application/Rescan MIDI Devices item is selected from the menu. As a windows user, developing code etc, I use this action a lot and the pop up is a PITA. I know this feature is to help newbies avoid confusion so it has to stay.


I'm requesting a command line switch to turn off (suppress) this pop up.


Many thanks.

Edited by Duggle
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I guess the background of this request is the process of coding and testing, which can involve a lot of repetition so you really notice things in the GUI that slow you down unnecessarily or add "work".


In fact a switch to suppress all notification pop ups and instead print a message to the console window in another colour would be great. The other pop up I'm thinking about is the "Batch job complete, ok?". It's helpful to be made aware that commands have been executed automatically, but unhelpful that you have to click the button to continue- every time. 



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I added a "--duggle" flag which will allow to collect your special request before turning them into official features.


Currently it only avoids the rescan message.


Suppressing all notification pop ups: this isn't a "tiny feature" anymore, because actually you request an alternative textual messaging interface... this would result into a lot of code changes & testing for different modes (GUI, GUI with batch jobs at startup, pure textual batch mode)

I also don't know how to print colours under Windows... 

Quick request, huge work at my side for something that I wouldn't use by myself -> rejected.


Or you are only asking to avoid the "Batch job complete" message?


According to the source code it will only pop up if "--batch" hasn't been specified in the command line:

                } else if( job.startsWithIgnoreCase("quit") ) {
                    if( runningInBatchMode() ) {
#ifdef _WIN32
                        std::cout << "Press <enter> to quit console." << std::endl;
                        while (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RETURN) & 0x8000) {}
                        while (!(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RETURN) & 0x8000)) {}
                        JUCEApplication::getInstance()->setApplicationReturnValue(0); // no error
                    } else {
                                                    T("All batch jobs executed."),

Windows users have to press the enter key in order to ensure that status messages won't get lost (because Windows will close the window afterwards).


So: do you want to avoid the need to press a key in order to get all status messages because you are sure that they are not relevant in your case?

Or do you only want to avoid this if the GUI is started with a batch job during startup, but not in "--batch" mode?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I added a "--duggle" flag which will allow to collect your special request before turning them into official features.


Currently it only avoids the rescan message.

That will be really nice!


The feature that requires too much work, I agree, not worth it.


The idea for a switch to suppress all pop ups I didn't give much thought to, in fact the only other pop up I was thinking about was the batch jobs complete which I was only noticing on startup.


Or do you only want to avoid this if the GUI is started with a batch job during startup, but not in "--batch" mode?

This (but I'll look into it further).


Thanks for considering these requests!

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The 2 instances that concerned me were as I mentioned Midi rescan, and what happens when I start MS with the command line (to launch GUI) that contains a batch command in which case there is a "batch job completed, ok", or similar pop up. If it was easy enough to suppress the pop up and instead direct a text line to the console (that is in some way distinguishable from normal console ouput) then fantastic, if not, no problem.

Edited by Duggle
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