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just a "old" problem

Guest Zzzz...

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Guest Zzzz...


Actually i have a few not so intensive questions about some things, but would like to know the answers.

First does a  2x20 LCD work on the "old" Midibox plus PCB, with a 16F burned with the latest version firmware :


If yes, what should the LCD show?

Is this also if there are no buttons or pots connected?

Do i still have to mk_sysex the .ini file (from vmidibox) in this version of the firmware or is it already implemented ?


I have build a PSU for the full control surface SID according to TK's schematic, but am getting

21.6 V out of the 78L09 regulator where I should be getting 14 V to power up the SID's.

And getting 6.3 V out, where should get 5 V to power up the Core's.

Everything is connected well....and the commodore light goes on and off as it supposed to do.....

Don't knowe anything about electronics, so who is able to help....then i could send the Eagle -file....and have checked..

Thanks in advance...

Grtz  Erik.

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yes, a 2x20 display will working

a 4x4 field at the right side will left blank. You need to change the source code if you want to display additional informations

if no pots are connected: clamp the unused analog inputs to ground!!!

if no buttons are connected: don't forget the 10k pull-up resistors!!!

Do i still have to mk_sysex the .ini file (from vmidibox) in this version of the firmware or is it already implemented ?

what do you mean exactly?

PSU: just send me the current layout of your PCB

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Guest Zzzz...

Thanks for the reply..


what do you mean exactly?

I meant the configuration of the midimessages of the midibox..

...thought i had to sysex the .ini files (converted) (found under mk_sysex link on the site) to the PIC...or am i wrong???...

But with this last version i read that i it wasn't necessary anymore....(or am I wrong now?)...

and....because i read it is also possible to configure this with the vmidibox. (but i still have to sysex it???)

got a little lost through all of this.....

And if i connect the midiox and have burned the midibox_plus_v1910_16pots.hex-file on the pic, what should appear on the LC Display? Now there are only black blocks, but the LCD is getting backlight.

Or do i have to sysex first the .ini file?

The schematic of the PCB is on its way.!!

when its working its for you....

Thanks in advance...


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Hi Erik,

ok, it seems that you've mixed the MIOS upload procedure with the configuration of a PIC16F based firmware. One reason again to discontinue the old stuff, it produces too much confusion and "communication effort". :-/

On a PIC16F firmware the black bar should disappear immediately after power-on (note for MIOS users: it disappears during the boot phase, ca. 2 seconds after power-on)

If the bar is still there, your display is not connected correctly or your PIC is not running. Is there any sign of life from your PIC (MIDI messages on pot moves?)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Guest Zzzz...


No messages at all, not on the screen (midiox), nothing on the LCD,

checked my lines with the pcb-layout, and everything seem to be okay....stuffed the capactors in the right way and also the 6N138, also no slack joints of solder...but probably...

.... your right that my PiC is not working although it get 5Volt on the suggested Pins.

So changed the oscilator (20 Mhz) and gonna test again...

This "working" problem i got before with some core's but was also able to re-run and resolder everything...so i have good hope...

Thanks again...


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