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Clock divisions


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So I found this amazing project and I'm all geared up to build one with the BLM 16x16+X extension. I've been going through the documentation for SEQv4, and I keep finding things that blow my mind. Things that I just can't do with commercial sequencers, or even with a DAW. Excellent stuff!

A couple things I'm curious about, though - related to clock divisions and timing on tracks. I know I can set a track to have a different time division relative to the MIDI clock, which is great for doing polyrhythms and really changing the color of a song section. Is there a way to do this over multiple tracks at once during live performance? Also, is there a way to change the Quick Selection Timebases? I do a lot of stuff with odd time signatures and tempo changes to individual parts, so these functions would be absolutely indispensable. 

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Sure, it's a beast of a sequencer, all the better with the BLM.

Clock divisions may be changed with loopback tracks or externally over sysex. I don't know if you wanted something more flexible though? Maybe the divider handling could be adjusted by track as it is at the moment, by track group and ALL tracks. I think there's already something similar for transpose (?)

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You can select multiple tracks and edit the divider value for all the selected tracks at once, but the dividers of all the selected tracks will change to the same value. So for example if you choose tracks 1, 2 and 3 with divider values 16, 24 and 32, and the last track you selected was track 3, turning the divider setting knob will set the dividers of all the selected tracks to 33 or 31 (etc.), depending on which direction you turn. In other words, the change won't be relative to each track's divider value (track 1: 16->17, track 2: 24->25, track 3: 32->33).

I think the quick-select timebases are fixed.

BTW, enron, are you the singing professor of semiotics..? ;-)

Edited by jjonas
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jjonas - Very interesting. The way I would approach it, I don't think I'd want them to be relative to each track's divider. Bumping all of them to a single value is exactly the kind of feature I'd use. And I used to be the Singing Professor of Semiotics, but the elders demoted me to Warbling Lieutenant of Anthropology. I think it was because I spent too much time playing bongos. ;)

latigid on - Thanks for the welcome! The loopback track idea is really interesting - making odd feedback loops of data and seeing what sings from it is one of my favorite things. I can't wait to get my parts for this project. :) Also, I'm very glad to see that you were the one who chose to respond to this thread, specifically because of the BLM. I saw that you had rolled out a PCB/Case build for the 16x16+X design. Curious - do you still have PCBs available for that? Or maybe the gerbers so I could get one fabricated?

Edited by enron_hubbard
Nevermind, found the bulk order waitlist thread and added myself to it. Huzzah!
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Great, we're nearly at the point where I can think about the order. 

For the multiple edits, definitely you can select more than one track at a time by holding down track buttons. The display will change from GxTy to GxTM for two or three, or GxTA for all tracks of a group selected. I didn't realise this before -- that's why we need jjonas' user manuals! It's amazing how deep the SEQ goes. It's helpful to have the BLM (or TPD) to keep "track" of where everything is.

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