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latigid on

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latigid on last won the day on March 13 2023

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MIDIbox Guru

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  1. Epic MIDIbox -- well done!
  2. You can leave off the USB, it's only an additional +5V power option selectable by jumper..
  3. One way is to use the punch in footswitch mode, but that's not exactly the same. Unless Peter knows of another way, maybe it could work to have scrub+footswitch (punch in) also delete notes under the cursor when the sequencer is not running? Also an idea is to allow an "off" footswitch setting, for example if you only have a mono footswitch.
  4. For this, set up a note track on AOUT port channel 16 Note 16 DOUT drum gates/triggers Notes to CV Channel #16 (C-1, C#1, D-1, ... upwards) will be redirected to up to 64 digital outputs of the DOUT chain. Each key number triggers an individual gate for 1 mS, accordingly this mode is predestinated for drum triggers. The used shift registers have to be defined in the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file (DOUT_GATE_SR1..8)
  5. MCP4922 was indeed developed for, so it could be a good start? It doesn't look like it has a serial output, so if you need more than 2 channels you need to run them in parallel with /CS lines. That is a good advantage of MAX525/MAX5500 or the TLV chip. The midiphy euroceiver has an IDC header that may be attached to a "crimpable" DB-25 connector. So that way it can sit in the back of the case if you like.
  6. Great that you got it to work!
  7. Seems like the bootloader is also corrupted, so the next step is to connect through ST-LINK and try to reflash that way. Please see here: http://ucapps.de/mios32_bootstrap_experts.html
  8. MIOS upload shouldn't depend on the SD card but you can try to remove it when flashing. You could try the following steps and see what works: 0. Restart MIOS Studio 1. Configure USB ports and try to upload 2. Hold and keep the blue button pressed. Now you should be able to bypass any faulty code and jump straight to the bootloader. Try to upload the SEQ app. 3. If you can't flash properly with the boot hold button pressed, reflash the bootloader using the miniUSB connector on the other side of the Discovery board and ST LINK Utility. If necessary, first update your STLINK firmware. You can find HWCFG files here (first get the firmware flashed): https://github.com/midibox/mios32/tree/master/apps/sequencers/midibox_seq_v4/hwcfg
  9. Hi Roel, I honestly haven't looked much more into this over the past years. There is a basic hardware setup and I still even have a few PCBs left, but I am not sure about whether this is the right approach. I also don't see a huge amount of activity on MIDIbox, meaning the uptake might be quite low. I could never fully agree with TK. on the UI/usage and that probably demotivated further development. Regarding SD card/ethernet, I have not tried to use both at once. The assigned "SPI/PHY" ports definitely conflict, so it might need more elaborate software handling. Best, Andy
  10. Hi Phill, What hardware are you using? Please take a picture of the control PCB and the core. For uploading, you have to restart MIOS Studio each time the MCU is reset. If you have bricked your core, you should try to reflash it. How you do this depends on the hardware you have. Best, Andy
  11. Not sure if this is the right place for Arduino...
  12. Great that you learned the mysteries of compilation! I uploaded your file to the wiki page too: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=sammichsid
  13. Hello, You tested all of the inputs before soldering the Matias switches right? ;-) The encoders are not on a switch matrix like the buttons are, so my guess is that there is a short between the two boards. Try to see if any resistors or diodes poke through. You could consider desoldering the encoder and bridging the pins to see if it is related to that. But you mentioned "press on the encoder"; do you mean the encoder push switch? That is connected in the matrix in the same column as SW23. Diodes in that column (including on ENSW7) are connected to pin 9 of J2 and pin 5 of IC3. The encoder itself is connected through J3 pins 6/7 then through the header to pins 4/5 of IC5. A short to the adjacent pin (serial clock) might explain things. Best, Andy
  14. Congrats on a fantastic looking MIDIbox!
  15. Modular grid has you covered!
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