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Following greater than 16 steps


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Hi folks,

I'm finally getting my hands on a working SEQ. When doing a live recording of more than 16 steps the view after 16 steps doesn't change so I can't see where in my loop the chaselight it at. Is there a way to make the view follow the bars along the loop?

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I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, because when I record live, the displays follow the cursor position as long as I'm recording. Are you asking about playback and running cursor position? Anyway, MENU + EXIT enables/disables Follow Mode. When the mode is 'on', the displays will follow the running cursor position when the sequencer is running. When the mode is 'on' and the seq is not running, it's not possible to use the datawheel to scroll out of the current display.

Edited by jjonas
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Hmm, seems like a usability issue there. I must say I'm struggling with this beast. After moving from a MidiREX where its very flexible and fast to jam things out the SEQ isn't appearing very accessible, even with the great new docs. It's hard to tell what a button does since there isn't a coherent paradigm on how buttons are used. I realise the buttons are all shortcuts to options in the "menu" but some are used in odd ways. Some appear to be shortcuts to shortcuts and then there's combo's like the FollowMode which looks like it's not used since it would involve toggling it off and on all the time. There's even a combo shortcut to reach Bookmarks, which themselves, are a page of shortcuts!

It's clear there's a lot of different ways to work with the SEQ and the Wilba CS by default comes with buttons that may cover the 80% but at this stage I feel like taking a black pen to every button label and starting again. :)

I think I'll kick off a workflow page and encourage the more experienced to divulge how they use the SEQ on a day to day basis. I feel this would benefit us n00bs greatly and choose how we want to work.


Actually, I didn't answer your question. Yes, while recording or playback the displays don't follow the cursor. I have to enable FollowMode for this, which then means I can't scroll fully around the track when playback is stopped.

Edited by mongrol
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To clarify: when you record a note, the display jumps into the position where you recorded the note. If you record lots of notes, you won't notice anything strange, because the seq follows the cursor whenever you record a note. This is how I've done it most of the time, so offhand I remembered that recording always follows the cursor position, when in fact it follows the recorded notes. In other words, if you don't record anything for a long time (for more than 16 steps), the running cursor position leaves the screen, and only recording a note will make the seq jump to the recorded position.

As to button combination shortcuts, I have cut out small pieces of sticker paper and written "BM" (bookmarks), "FOLLOW" (follow mode), and "TAP" (tap tempo) on them and put them underneath the buttons (SELECT, EXIT, and PLAY, respectively) that work in combination with the MENU button. Also, my selected F1–F4 button functions are marked similarly: REC, JAM (Jam page), TRACK (Track selection), SAVE (Save all).

An immediate workaround for quick follow mode on/off would be to assign e.g. a F1–F4 button for it, if you've got one to spare.

If you make the workflow page in the wiki (probably better than a forum post), please post a link and I'll write something there on how I do stuff.

Edited by jjonas
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