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MIDI cc help


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I have nearly finished my lemur patch for the midibox Tia and am trying to work out how to set the cc messages that have the bits

i have no trouble setting the 'regular' ones where you set the cc number then scale (0-127) or 0-64 positive/negative 

how do I set for example the Lfo mode:


hex: 5dh

bit 0 enables lfo

Bit 1 sync assigned note events

bit 2 sync all note events

bit 6-4 waveform

0 sine


2 saw

3 pulse

4 random

example 11h =17 enable and  triangle wave 

How do I set the bits? I don't understand how those example hex numbers were calculated or how to implement into my patch?



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Hi there,

some binary to decimal conversion will do it:

E.g. if you want to set bit 0 in a 7-bit CC value (0-127), it would become (1), if you want to set bit 1, it would become (2), if you set bit 2, it would become (4) and so on. Add up these values to get to the result decimal value.

For example, to set bits 3 and 5, the value would be 8 + 32 = 40, just send that as a regular CC value and you are good to go.


Many greets!

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