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AIN Board for CV to Midi Interfacing


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Hello there! 

I want to build the Seq v4+ with the new frontpanel when it´s ready to go. I´m kind of an analog guy who sometimes even plays in Clubs. The Midicontroller allways was the bottleneck. My PC and the Beatstep allways let me down on one or the other part so i had a look around and found you guys! Great work by this community and TK! 

Either i build a Seq v4+ or go for the Cirklon... well I go for the Seq ofcourse.

The thing is this. I want to record CV as well. So if I´m jamming in the Studio and my clock modulators or anything else spits out something wicked, I would love to record it in Midi. Didn´t find a AIN Board anywhere. Is there no need? Or is there any other obstacle in the way of my Seq becoming my center of everything?


with best regards AM


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