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MB6582 PIC troubleshooting


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I'm trying to get a newly built MB6582 up and running and having some problems with the PIC software, I wonder if anyone can help.

I've flashed the bootloader onto the PICs as per the instructions, and they verify OK. I'm now trying to get the software installed over MIDI.

In MIOS studio I don't get any input when turning the MB6582 on. I've been through the MIDI troubleshooting, and everything seems fine apart from looping back the tx and rx pins on the PIC, where I don't see any loopback.

I've checked all the joints and reflowed any that looked in any way suspect.

Any ideas?

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Thanks for the ideas! I did forget to put the opto couplers in to start with but in now. I guess they could be bad but not sure how to know for sure. I do need to order a few more parts for the feedback knobs so could add a replacement to the order to be sure. 

I've tried two midi interfaces. And RME fireface 400 and a native instruments machine. Both worked fine with loopback. I could try another computer I guess. 

I thought the IDs for the PICs were set later, but have to admit to finding that confusing. Do you have to set the IDs when flashing the bootloader? I thought it was when installing the software to subsequent PICs to the master one with MIOS studio. 

I looked at the resources for changing IDs but it didn't make much sense if I can't detect the PICs in MIOS studio in the first place. Have I misunderstood how this works?

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RME Fireface should work.

You can also change IDs through MIDI:

change_id_v1_9g.zip This program allows you to change the ID header without reburning the chip --- use this program with care and read the informations given in README.txt!

I'm not sure if it's possible to change IDs if they're all connected in the MB-6582 with the same ID. If it doesn't work, consider removing all but one PIC when changing.

How is J11 set?


What is the function of J11 (directly below U1_Core1)?

J11 (not J11_CORE1) is a 4×2 pin header which controls which Core (PIC Tx pin) is connected to the MIDI Out port. You would only need to use this once for the first upload of MIOS and the MB-SID V2 firmware, thereafter connect the master PIC (1) to the MIDI out and after uploading new MB-SID V2 firmware, the master PIC can clone itself to the other PICs across the CAN bus. NOTE: All Cores (PIC Rx pin) are connected to the MIDI In port. The different device ID (0,1,2,3) on each PIC determines which PIC receives an upload, J11 is used to get “feedback” from that PIC during the upload


Select the ID in MIOS Studio as follows:




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