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Song Mode - getting out of the "end" command in time


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In song mode, when a "end" command is used, it seems that pressing one of the GP buttons will continue the song at (A1,B1,C1...P1) which is great, however it's done in real time.  My time isn't that precise, admittedly, and the use case would involve a trombone in my hands anyway (planning to trigger with a pedal) 

Is there any way to have that behave like changing patterns on the pattern page with pattern change synchronization enabled?  

You'll see I started talking about this here: 

but I'm more informed now, having spent a few more hours on the SEQ trying to figure this problem out.

thanks -- I'm trying to figure out a workflow for some live shows coming up and the pressure is on... :)  Perhaps the unit is not the perfect thing for this use case, (maybe a more MPC like solution would be more apropos?) but I'd really like to use the SEQ4 if I can.  It's a beautiful piece of kit, and I put some hours into building it, after all.  :)


Edited by Blatboy
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Ok.  I get it now.   I can work with this.

I like the approach from the thread linked above better than using the END statement, as it's more flexible in the repeat.

When you press the GP button to tell the SEQ4 to move on, yes it's in real time, but the steps are never out...it doesn't start from step 1 right when you hit the button... so I misunderstood this behavior before.  Obviously I don't have step sequencer instincts.

What I'll do is have the next section after the repeat start with a fill bar, so I can cue it anywhere within the steps, and it will play the fill going into the next section.

I found the MIDI remote function for the GP buttons here: mbseqv4_remote_functions.txt and I should be able to program my new pedal board to send those commands.

Sorry for all this thinking out loud, and sorry I can be so thick-skulled.  The more I use this machine, the more I am humbled by it.  I'm a full time musician/composer, I'm no stranger to MIDI, and I've been on a DAW as my full time job since 2003, yet his type of music production is vastly different than what I'm used to.  I'm fascinated by it, but I'm certainly lacking in the chops department.  ;). 

Now that I think I've found a real performance use for this stuff, things are about to get a little more interesting.



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