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AT LAST! My box is funcional!

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Well i sat down, determined to make my box work last night, and so i connected pot 14 to ground, and that stopped the random ain data (WOO!).

Then i put mios 1.5 on it, and it wouldnt boot up :o, so i tried again from another computer and it worked  ::), then i uploaded a tweaked mb64 (with 24 pots and 16 buttons) and it works great!

The only problem now is that my buttons are behaving strangely. One of the buttons connected to J5 is jittery as can be seen from the MIDI data below

 0003768F   1  --     96    30    7F    7  C  3 Note On  
 000376BD   1  --     96    30    00    7  C  3 Note Off 
 000376DF   1  --     96    30    7F    7  C  3 Note On  
 00037700   1  --     96    30    00    7  C  3 Note Off 
 00037745   1  --     96    30    7F    7  C  3 Note On  
 0003776F   1  --     96    30    00    7  C  3 Note Off 
 00037791   1  --     96    30    7F    7  C  3 Note On  
 000377B2   1  --     96    30    00    7  C  3 Note Off 

This repeats for quite some time, unless i press the button then it stops. The button is connected to D6 of J5.  Is the source of this problem a faulty button?  When i press or release the button it fails to send a note on or off event..

hmm.. ;D

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